[not loaded]PublicShow sourcetoplevel.pl

Source version is det
Print the Prolog banner message and messages registered using version/1.
Source version(+Message) is det
Add message to version/0
Source initialization :Goal
Runs Goal after loading the file in which this directive appears as well as after restoring a saved state.
See also
- initialization/2
Source initialize
Run goals registered with :- initialization(Goal, program).. Stop with an exception if a goal fails or raises an exception.
Source thread_initialization :Goal
Run Goal now and everytime a new thread is created.
Source $initialise is semidet
Called from PL_initialise() to do the Prolog part of the initialization. If an exception occurs, this is printed and '$initialise' fails.
Source $toplevel
Called from PL_toplevel()
Source $compile
Toplevel called when invoked with -c option.
Source $config
Toplevel when invoked with --dump-runtime-variables
Source prolog:repl_loop_hook(+BeginEnd, +BreakLevel) is nondet[multifile]
Multifile hook that allows acting on starting/stopping the interactive REPL loop. Called as
forall(prolog:repl_loop_hook(BeginEnd, BreakLevel), true)
BeginEnd- is one of begin or end
BreakLevel- is 0 for the normal toplevel, -1 when non-interactive and >0 for break environments.
Source prolog
Run the Prolog toplevel. This is now the same as break/0, which pretends to be in a break-level if there is a parent environment.
Source $query_loop
Run the normal Prolog query loop. Note that the query is not protected by catch/3. Dealing with unhandled exceptions is done by the C-function query_loop(). This ensures that unhandled exceptions are really unhandled (in Prolog).
Source $execute_query(Goal, Bindings, -Truth) is det
Execute Goal using Bindings.
Source residual_goals(:NonTerminal)
Directive that registers NonTerminal as a collector for residual goals.
Source prolog:residual_goals// is det
DCG that collects residual goals that are not associated with the answer through attributed variables.
Source prolog:translate_bindings(+Bindings0, -Bindings, +ResidueVars, +ResidualGoals, -Residuals) is det
Translate the raw variable bindings resulting from successfully completing a query into a binding list and list of residual goals suitable for human consumption.
Bindings- is a list of binding(Vars,Value,Substitutions), where Vars is a list of variable names. E.g. binding(['A','B'],42,[])` means that both the variable A and B have the value 42. Values may contain terms '$VAR'(Name) to indicate sharing with a given variable. Value is always an acyclic term. If cycles appear in the answer, Substitutions contains a list of substitutions that restore the original term.
Residuals- is a pair of two lists representing residual goals. The first element of the pair are residuals related to the query variables and the second are related that are disconnected from the query.

Undocumented predicates

The following predicates are exported, but not or incorrectly documented.

Source $thread_init