/* Part of SWISH Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2014-2022, VU University Amsterdam SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(gitty, [ gitty_open/2, % +Store, +Options gitty_close/1, % +Store gitty_driver/2, % +Store, -Driver gitty_file/3, % +Store, ?Name, ?Hash gitty_file/4, % +Store, ?Name, ?Ext, ?Hash gitty_create/5, % +Store, +Name, +Data, +Meta, -Commit gitty_update/5, % +Store, +Name, +Data, +Meta, -Commit gitty_commit/3, % +Store, +Name, -Meta gitty_plain_commit/3, % +Store, +Name, -Meta gitty_data/4, % +Store, +Name, -Data, -Meta gitty_history/4, % +Store, +Name, -History, +Options gitty_hash/2, % +Store, ?Hash gitty_fsck/1, % +Store gitty_save/4, % +Store, +Data, +Type, -Hash gitty_load/4, % +Store, +Hash, -Data, -Type gitty_reserved_meta/1, % ?Key is_gitty_hash/1, % @Term gitty_diff/4, % +Store, ?Start, +End, -Diff data_diff/3, % +String1, +String2, -Diff udiff_string/2 % +Diff, -String ]). :- use_module(library(sha)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(process)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(filesex)). :- if(exists_source(library(bdb))). :- use_module(gitty_driver_bdb, []). :- endif. :- use_module(gitty_driver_files, []). /** Single-file GIT like version system This library provides a first implementation of a lightweight versioned file store with dynamic meta-data. The store is partly modelled after GIT. Like GIT, it uses a content-based store. In fact, the stored objects are compatible with GIT. Unlike GIT though, there are no _trees_. Each entry (file) has its own history. Each commit is associated with a dict that can carry aribitrary meta-data. The following fields are reserved for gitties bookkeeping: - name:Name Name of the entry (file) - time:TimeStamp Float representing when the object was added to the store - data:Hash Object hash of the contents - previous:Hash Hash of the previous commit. The key =commit= is reserved and returned as part of the meta-data of the newly created (gitty_create/5) or updated object (gitty_update/5). */ :- dynamic gitty_store_type/2. % +Store, -Module %! gitty_open(+Store, +Options) is det. % % Open a gitty store according to Options. Defined % options are: % % - driver(+Driver) % Backend driver to use. One of `files` or `bdb`. When % omitted and the store exists, the current store is % examined. If the store does not exist, the default % is `files`. % % Other options are passed to the driver method gitty_open(Store, % Options). gitty_open(Store, Options) :- ( exists_directory(Store) -> true ; existence_error(directory, Store) ), ( option(driver(Driver), Options) -> true ; default_driver(Store, Driver) ), set_driver(Store, Driver), gitty_driver_open(Store, Options). default_driver(Store, Driver) :- directory_file_path(Store, ref, RefDir), exists_directory(RefDir), !, Driver = files. default_driver(Store, Driver) :- directory_file_path(Store, heads, RefDir), exists_file(RefDir), !, Driver = bdb. default_driver(_, files). set_driver(Store, Driver) :- must_be(atom, Store), ( driver_module(Driver, Module) -> retractall(gitty_store_type(Store, _)), asserta(gitty_store_type(Store, Module)) ; domain_error(gitty_driver, Driver) ). driver_module(files, gitty_driver_files). driver_module(bdb, gitty_driver_bdb). store_driver_module(Store, Module) :- atom(Store), !, gitty_store_type(Store, Module). %! gitty_driver(+Store, -Driver) % % Get the current gitty driver gitty_driver(Store, Driver) :- store_driver_module(Store, Module), driver_module(Driver, Module), !. %! gitty_driver_open(+Store, +Options) is det. % % Initialise the driver gitty_driver_open(Store, Options) :- store_driver_module(Store, M), M:gitty_open(Store, Options). %! gitty_close(+Store) is det. % % Close access to the Store. gitty_close(Store) :- store_driver_module(Store, M), M:gitty_close(Store). %! gitty_file(+Store, ?Head, ?Hash) is nondet. %! gitty_file(+Store, ?Head, ?Ext, ?Hash) is nondet. % % True when Hash is an entry in the gitty Store and Head is the % HEAD revision. gitty_file(Store, Head, Hash) :- gitty_file(Store, Head, _Ext, Hash). gitty_file(Store, Head, Ext, Hash) :- store_driver_module(Store, M), M:gitty_file(Store, Head, Ext, Hash). %! gitty_create(+Store, +Name, +Data, +Meta, -Commit) is det. % % Create a new object Name from Data and meta information. % % @arg Commit is a dit describing the new Commit gitty_create(Store, Name, _Data, _Meta, _) :- gitty_file(Store, Name, _Hash), !, throw(error(gitty(file_exists(Name)),_)). gitty_create(Store, Name, Data, Meta, CommitRet) :- save_object(Store, Data, blob, Hash), get_time(Now), Commit = gitty{time:Now}.put(Meta) .put(_{ name:Name, data:Hash }), format(string(CommitString), '~q.~n', [Commit]), save_object(Store, CommitString, commit, CommitHash), CommitRet = Commit.put(commit, CommitHash), catch(gitty_update_head(Store, Name, -, CommitHash, Hash), E, ( delete_object(Store, CommitHash), throw(E))). %! gitty_update(+Store, +Name, +Data, +Meta, -Commit) is det. % % Update document Name using Data and the given meta information gitty_update(Store, Name, Data, Meta, CommitRet) :- gitty_file(Store, Name, OldHead), ( _{previous:OldHead} >:< Meta -> true ; throw(error(gitty(commit_version(Name, OldHead, Meta.previous)), _)) ), gitty_plain_commit(Store, OldHead, OldMeta0), filter_identity(OldMeta0, OldMeta), get_time(Now), save_object(Store, Data, blob, Hash), Commit = gitty{}.put(OldMeta) .put(_{time:Now}) .put(Meta) .put(_{ name:Name, data:Hash, previous:OldHead }), format(string(CommitString), '~q.~n', [Commit]), save_object(Store, CommitString, commit, CommitHash), CommitRet = Commit.put(commit, CommitHash), catch(gitty_update_head(Store, Name, OldHead, CommitHash, Hash), E, ( delete_object(Store, CommitHash), throw(E))). %! filter_identity(+Meta0, -Meta) % % Remove identification information from the previous commit. % % @tbd: the identity properties should not be hardcoded here. filter_identity(Meta0, Meta) :- delete_keys([ author,user,avatar,identity,peer, external_identity, identity_provider, profile_id, commit_message ], Meta0, Meta). delete_keys([], Dict, Dict). delete_keys([H|T], Dict0, Dict) :- del_dict(H, Dict0, _, Dict1), !, delete_keys(T, Dict1, Dict). delete_keys([_|T], Dict0, Dict) :- delete_keys(T, Dict0, Dict). %! gitty_update_head(+Store, +Name, +OldCommit, %! +NewCommit, +DataHash) is det. % % Update the head of a gitty store for Name. OldCommit is the % current head and NewCommit is the new head. If Name is created, % and thus there is no head, OldCommit must be `-`. % % This operation can fail because another writer has updated the % head. This can both be in-process or another process. % % @error gitty(file_exists(Name) if the file already exists % @error gitty(not_at_head(Name, OldCommit) if the head was moved % by someone else. gitty_update_head(Store, Name, OldCommit, NewCommit, DataHash) :- store_driver_module(Store, Module), Module:gitty_update_head(Store, Name, OldCommit, NewCommit, DataHash). %! gitty_data(+Store, +NameOrHash, -Data, -Meta) is semidet. % % Get the data in object Name and its meta-data gitty_data(Store, Name, Data, Meta) :- gitty_commit(Store, Name, Meta), load_object(Store, Meta.data, Data). %! gitty_commit(+Store, +NameOrHash, -Meta) is semidet. % % True if Meta holds the commit data of NameOrHash. A key `commit` is % added to the meta-data to specify the commit hash. gitty_commit(Store, Hash, Meta) :- is_gitty_hash(Hash), !, load_commit(Store, Hash, Meta). gitty_commit(Store, Name, Meta) :- must_be(atom, Name), gitty_file(Store, Name, Head), load_commit(Store, Head, Meta). load_commit(Store, Hash, Meta) :- gitty_plain_commit(Store, Hash, Meta0), ( gitty_file(Store, Meta0.name, Hash) -> Meta = Meta0.put(symbolic, "HEAD") ; Meta = Meta0 ). %! gitty_plain_commit(+Store, +Hash, -Meta) is semidet. % % Load the commit object with Hash. gitty_plain_commit(Store, Hash, Meta) :- store_driver_module(Store, Module), Module:load_plain_commit(Store, Hash, Meta0), Meta = Meta0.put(commit, Hash). %! gitty_history(+Store, +NameOrHash, -History, +Options) is det. % % History is a dict holding a key `history` with a list of dicts % representating the history of Name in Store. The toplevel dict % also contains `skipped`, indicating the number of skipped items % from the HEAD. Options: % % - depth(+Depth) % Number of entries in the history. If not present, defaults % to 5. % - includes(+HASH) % Ensure Hash is included in the history. This means that the % history includes the entry with HASH an (depth+1)//2 entries % after the requested HASH. gitty_history(Store, Name, json{history:History,skipped:Skipped}, Options) :- history_hash_start(Store, Name, Hash0), option(depth(Depth), Options, 5), ( option(includes(Hash), Options) -> read_history_to_hash(Store, Hash0, Hash, History00), length(History00, Before), After is max(Depth-Before, (Depth+1)//2), read_history_depth(Store, Hash, After, History1), length(History1, AfterLen), BeforeLen is Depth - AfterLen, list_prefix(BeforeLen, History00, History0), length(History00, Len00), length(History0, Len0), Skipped is Len00-Len0, append(History0, History1, History) ; read_history_depth(Store, Hash0, Depth, History), Skipped is 0 ). history_hash_start(Store, Name, Hash) :- gitty_file(Store, Name, Head), !, Hash = Head. history_hash_start(_, Hash, Hash). read_history_depth(_, _, 0, []) :- !. read_history_depth(Store, Hash, Left, [H|T]) :- load_commit(Store, Hash, H), !, Left1 is Left-1, ( read_history_depth(Store, H.get(previous), Left1, T) -> true ; T = [] ). read_history_depth(_, _, _, []). %! read_history_to_hash(+Store, +Start, +Upto, -History) % % Read the history upto, but NOT including Upto. read_history_to_hash(Store, Hash, Upto, [H|T]) :- Upto \== Hash, load_commit(Store, Hash, H), ( read_history_to_hash(Store, H.get(previous), Upto, T) -> true ; T = [] ). read_history_to_hash(_, _, _, []). list_prefix(0, _, []) :- !. list_prefix(_, [], []) :- !. list_prefix(N, [H|T0], [H|T]) :- N2 is N - 1, list_prefix(N2, T0, T). %! save_object(+Store, +Data:string, +Type, -Hash) is det. % % Save an object in a git compatible way. Data provides the data % as a string. % % @see http://www.gitguys.com/topics/what-is-the-format-of-a-git-blob/ % @bug We currently delete objects if the head cannot be moved. % This can lead to a race condition. We need to leave that % to GC. save_object(Store, Data, Type, Hash) :- size_in_bytes(Data, Size), format(string(Hdr), '~w ~d\u0000', [Type, Size]), sha_new_ctx(Ctx0, []), sha_hash_ctx(Ctx0, Hdr, Ctx1, _), sha_hash_ctx(Ctx1, Data, _, HashBin), hash_atom(HashBin, Hash), store_object(Store, Hash, Hdr, Data). store_object(Store, Hash, Hdr, Data) :- store_driver_module(Store, Module), Module:store_object(Store, Hash, Hdr, Data). size_in_bytes(Data, Size) :- setup_call_cleanup( open_null_stream(Out), ( format(Out, '~s', [Data]), byte_count(Out, Size) ), close(Out)). %! gitty_fsck(+Store) is det. % % Check the integrity of store. gitty_fsck(Store) :- forall(gitty_hash(Store, Hash), fsck_object_msg(Store, Hash)), store_driver_module(Store, M), M:gitty_fsck(Store). fsck_object_msg(Store, Hash) :- fsck_object(Store, Hash), !. fsck_object_msg(Store, Hash) :- print_message(error, gitty(Store, fsck(bad_object(Hash)))). %! fsck_object(+Store, +Hash) is semidet. % % Test the integrity of object Hash in Store. :- public fsck_object/2, check_object/4. fsck_object(Store, Hash) :- load_object(Store, Hash, Data, Type, Size), check_object(Hash, Data, Type, Size). check_object(Hash, Data, Type, Size) :- format(string(Hdr), '~w ~d\u0000', [Type, Size]), sha_new_ctx(Ctx0, []), sha_hash_ctx(Ctx0, Hdr, Ctx1, _), sha_hash_ctx(Ctx1, Data, _, HashBin), hash_atom(HashBin, Hash). %! load_object(+Store, +Hash, -Data) is det. %! load_object(+Store, +Hash, -Data, -Type, -Size) is det. % % Load the given object. load_object(Store, Hash, Data) :- load_object(Store, Hash, Data, _, _). load_object(Store, Hash, Data, Type, Size) :- store_driver_module(Store, Module), Module:load_object(Store, Hash, Data, Type, Size). %! gitty_save(+Store, +Data, +Type, -Hash) is det. %! gitty_load(+Store, +Hash, -Data, -Type) is det. % % Low level objects store. These predicate allows for using the % store as an arbitrary content store. % % @arg Data is a string % @arg Type is an atom denoting the object type. gitty_save(Store, Data, Type, Hash) :- save_object(Store, Data, Type, Hash). gitty_load(Store, Hash, Data, Type) :- load_object(Store, Hash, Data, Type, _Size). %! gitty_hash(+Store, ?Hash) is nondet. % % True when Hash is an object in the store. gitty_hash(Store, Hash) :- store_driver_module(Store, Module), Module:gitty_hash(Store, Hash). %! delete_object(+Store, +Hash) % % Delete an existing object delete_object(Store, Hash) :- store_driver_module(Store, Module), Module:delete_object(Store, Hash). %! gitty_reserved_meta(?Key) is nondet. % % True when Key is a gitty reserved key for the commit meta-data gitty_reserved_meta(name). gitty_reserved_meta(time). gitty_reserved_meta(data). gitty_reserved_meta(previous). %! is_gitty_hash(@Term) is semidet. % % True if Term is a possible gitty (SHA1) hash is_gitty_hash(SHA1) :- atom(SHA1), atom_length(SHA1, 40), atom_codes(SHA1, Codes), maplist(hex_digit, Codes). hex_digit(C) :- between(0'0, 0'9, C), !. hex_digit(C) :- between(0'a, 0'f, C). /******************************* * FSCK SUPPORT * *******************************/ :- public delete_object/2, delete_head/2, set_head/3. %! delete_head(+Store, +Head) is det. % % Delete Head from the administration. Used if the head is % inconsistent. delete_head(Store, Head) :- store_driver_module(Store, Module), Module:delete_head(Store, Head). %! set_head(+Store, +File, +Head) is det. % % Register Head as the Head hash for File, removing possible % old head. set_head(Store, File, Head) :- store_driver_module(Store, Module), Module:set_head(Store, File, Head). /******************************* * DIFF * *******************************/ %! gitty_diff(+Store, ?Hash1, +FileOrHash2OrData, -Dict) is det. % % True if Dict representeds the changes in Hash1 to FileOrHash2. % If Hash1 is unbound, it is unified with the `previous` of % FileOrHash2. Returns _{initial:true} if Hash1 is unbound and % FileOrHash2 is the initial commit. Dict contains: % % - from:Meta1 % - to:Meta2 % Meta-data for the two diffed versions % - data:UDiff % String holding unified diff representation of changes to the % data. Only present of data has changed % - tags:_{added:AddedTags, deleted:DeletedTags} % If tags have changed, the added and deleted ones. % % @arg FileOrHash2OrData is a file name, hash or a term % data(String) to compare a given string with a % gitty version. gitty_diff(Store, C1, data(Data2), Dict) :- !, must_be(atom, C1), gitty_data(Store, C1, Data1, _Meta1), ( Data1 \== Data2 -> udiff_string(Data1, Data2, UDIFF), Dict = json{data:UDIFF} ; Dict = json{} ). gitty_diff(Store, C1, C2, Dict) :- gitty_data(Store, C2, Data2, Meta2), ( var(C1) -> C1 = Meta2.get(previous) ; true ), !, gitty_data(Store, C1, Data1, Meta1), Pairs = [ from-Meta1, to-Meta2|_], ( Data1 \== Data2 -> udiff_string(Data1, Data2, UDIFF), memberchk(data-UDIFF, Pairs) ; true ), meta_tag_set(Meta1, Tags1), meta_tag_set(Meta2, Tags2), ( Tags1 \== Tags2 -> ord_subtract(Tags1, Tags2, Deleted), ord_subtract(Tags2, Tags1, Added), memberchk(tags-_{added:Added, deleted:Deleted}, Pairs) ; true ), once(length(Pairs,_)), % close list dict_pairs(Dict, json, Pairs). gitty_diff(_Store, '0000000000000000000000000000000000000000', _C2, json{initial:true}). meta_tag_set(Meta, Tags) :- sort(Meta.get(tags), Tags), !. meta_tag_set(_, []). %! udiff_string(+Data1, +Data2, -UDIFF) is det. % % Produce a unified difference between two strings. Note that we % can avoid one temporary file using diff's `-` arg and the second % by passing =/dev/fd/NNN= on Linux systems. See % http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3800202 :- if(true). % Note that cleanup on possible errors is rather hard. The created tmp % stream must be closed and the file must be deleted. We also close the % file before running diff (necessary on Windows to avoid a sharing % violation). Therefore reclaim_tmp_file/2 first uses close/2 to close % if not already done and then deletes the file. udiff_string(Data1, Data2, UDIFF) :- setup_call_cleanup( tmp_file_stream(utf8, File1, Tmp1), ( save_string(Data1, Tmp1), setup_call_cleanup( tmp_file_stream(utf8, File2, Tmp2), ( save_string(Data2, Tmp2), process_diff(File1, File2, UDIFF) ), reclaim_tmp_file(File2, Tmp2)) ), reclaim_tmp_file(File1, Tmp1)). save_string(String, Stream) :- call_cleanup( format(Stream, '~s', [String]), close(Stream)). reclaim_tmp_file(File, Stream) :- close(Stream, [force(true)]), delete_file(File). process_diff(File1, File2, String) :- setup_call_cleanup( process_create(path(diff), ['-u', file(File1), file(File2)], [ stdout(pipe(Out)), process(PID) ]), read_string(Out, _, String), ( close(Out), process_wait(PID, Status) )), assertion(normal_diff_exit(Status)). normal_diff_exit(exit(0)). % equal normal_diff_exit(exit(1)). % different :- else. udiff_string(Data1, Data2, UDIFF) :- data_diff(Data1, Data2, Diffs), maplist(udiff_string, Diffs, Strings), atomics_to_string(Strings, UDIFF). :- endif. /******************************* * PROLOG DIFF * *******************************/ /* - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Attempt at a built-in diff utility. Doing it in Prolog may seem weird, but is good for tasting ones own dog food. In addition, it avoids temporary files and relatively expensive fork() calls. As it turns out, implementing an efficient LCS (Longest Common Sequence) in Prolog is rather hard. We'll leave the code for reference, but might seek a different solution for the real thing. Options are: - Use external diff after all - Add a proper Prolog implementation of LCS - Add LCS in C. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - */ %! data_diff(+Data1, +Data2, -UDiff) is det. % % Diff two data strings line-by-line. UDiff is a list of terms of % the form below, where `L1` and `L2` provide the starting line in % Data1 and Data2 and `S1` and `S2` provide the number of affected % lines. % % == % udiff(L1,S1,L2,S2,Diff) % == % % `Diff` is a list holding % % - +(Line) % Line was added to Data1 to get Data2 % - -(Line) % Line was deleted from Data1 to get Data2 % - -(Line1,Line2) % Line was replaced % - =(Line) % Line is identical (context line). data_diff(Data, Data, UDiff) :- !, UDiff = []. data_diff(Data1, Data2, Diff) :- split_string(Data1, "\n", "", List1), split_string(Data2, "\n", "", List2), list_diff(List1, List2, Diff). list_diff(List1, List2, UDiff) :- list_lcs(List1, List2, Lcs), make_diff(List1, List2, Lcs, c(), 1, 1, Diff), join_diff(Diff, UDiff). %! make_diff(+List1, +List2, +Lcs, +Context0, +Line1, +Line2, -Diff) make_diff([], [], [], _, _, _, []) :- !. make_diff([H|T1], [H|T2], [H|C], c(_,C0,C1), L1, L2, Diff) :- !, L11 is L1+1, L21 is L2+1, make_diff(T1, T2, C, c(C0,C1,H), L11, L21, Diff). make_diff([H|T1], [H|T2], [H|C], C0, L1, L2, Diff) :- !, L11 is L1+1, L21 is L2+1, add_context(C0, H, C1), ( compound_name_arity(C1, _, L1) -> Diff = Diff1 ; Diff = [=(H)|Diff1] ), make_diff(T1, T2, C, C1, L11, L21, Diff1). make_diff([H|T1], [H2|T2], [H|C], C0, L1, L2, [d(L1,L2,C0,+H2)|Diff]) :- !, L21 is L2+1, make_diff([H|T1], T2, [H|C], c(), L1, L21, Diff). make_diff([], [H2|T2], [], C0, L1, L2, [d(L1,L2,C0,+H2)|Diff]) :- !, L21 is L2+1, make_diff([], T2, [], c(), L1, L21, Diff). make_diff([H1|T1], [H|T2], [H|C], C0, L1, L2, [d(L1,L2,C0,-H1)|Diff]) :- !, L11 is L1+1, make_diff(T1, [H|T2], [H|C], c(), L11, L2, Diff). make_diff([H1|T1], [], [], C0, L1, L2, [d(L1,L2,C0,-H1)|Diff]) :- !, L11 is L1+1, make_diff(T1, [], [], c(), L11, L2, Diff). make_diff([H1|T1], [H2|T2], C, C0, L1, L2, [d(L1,L2,C0,H1-H2)|Diff]) :- !, L11 is L1+1, L21 is L2+1, make_diff(T1, T2, C, c(), L11, L21, Diff). add_context(c(_,B,C),N,c(B,C,N)). add_context(c(A,B), N,c(A,B,N)). add_context(c(A), N,c(A,N)). add_context(c(), N,c(N)). %! join_diff(+Diff, -UDiff) is det. join_diff([], []). join_diff([d(L10,L20,C,L)|T0], [udiff(L1,S1,L2,S2,Diff)|T]) :- pre_context(C, S0, Diff, [L|DiffT]), L1 is L10-S0, L2 is L20-S0, diff_affected(L,S10,S20), S11 is S10+S0, S21 is S20+S0, collect_diff(T0,S11,S21,S1,S2,0,DiffT,T1), join_diff(T1, T). pre_context(c(), 0, L, L). pre_context(c(A), 1, [=(A)|L], L). pre_context(c(A,B), 2, [=(A),=(B)|L], L). pre_context(c(A,B,C), 3, [=(A),=(B),=(C)|L], L). collect_diff([d(_,_,_,L)|T0], S10,S20,S1,S2,C,[L|Diff],T) :- C < 3, !, diff_affected(L,S1x,S2x), S11 is S10+S1x, S21 is S20+S2x, collect_diff(T0,S11,S21,S1,S2,0,Diff,T). collect_diff([=(L)|T0], S10,S20,S1,S2,C0,[=(L)|Diff],T) :- !, S11 is S10+1, S21 is S20+1, C1 is C0+1, collect_diff(T0,S11,S21,S1,S2,C1,Diff,T). collect_diff(T,S1,S2,S1,S2,_,[],T). diff_affected(+(_), 0, 1). diff_affected(-(_), 0, 1). diff_affected(-(_,_), 1, 1). %! udiff_string(+UDiff, -String) is det. % % True when String is the string representation of UDiff. udiff_string(udiff(L1,S1,L2,S2,Diff), Final) :- format(string(Hdr), '@@ -~d,~d +~d,~d @@', [L1,S1,L2,S2]), udiff_blocks(Diff, Blocks), maplist(block_lines, Blocks, LineSets), append(LineSets, Lines), atomics_to_string([Hdr|Lines], "\n", Final). block_lines(=(U), Lines) :- maplist(string_concat(' '), U, Lines). block_lines(+(U), Lines) :- maplist(string_concat('+'), U, Lines). block_lines(-(U), Lines) :- maplist(string_concat('-'), U, Lines). udiff_blocks([], []) :- !. udiff_blocks([=(H)|T0], [=([H|E])|T]) :- !, udiff_cp(T0, E, T1), udiff_blocks(T1, T). udiff_blocks(U, List) :- udiff_block(U, D, A, T1), udiff_add(D,A,List,ListT), udiff_blocks(T1, ListT). udiff_add([],A,[+A|T],T) :- !. udiff_add(D,[],[-D|T],T) :- !. udiff_add(D,A,[-D,+A|T],T). udiff_cp([=(H)|T0], [H|E], T) :- !, udiff_cp(T0, E, T). udiff_cp(L, [], L). udiff_block([-L|T], [L|D], A, Rest) :- !, udiff_block(T, D, A, Rest). udiff_block([+L|T], D, [L|A], Rest) :- !, udiff_block(T, D, A, Rest). udiff_block([L1-L2|T], [L1|D], [L2|A], Rest) :- !, udiff_block(T, D, A, Rest). udiff_block(T, [], [], T). %! list_lcs(+List1, +List2, -Lcs) is det. % % @tbd Too slow. See http://wordaligned.org/articles/longest-common-subsequence :- thread_local lcs_db/2. list_lcs([], [], []) :- !. list_lcs([H|L1], [H|L2], [H|Lcs]) :- !, list_lcs(L1, L2, Lcs). list_lcs(List1, List2, Lcs) :- reverse(List1, Rev1), reverse(List2, Rev2), copy_prefix(Rev1, Rev2, RevDiff1, RevDiff2, RevLcs, RevT), list_lcs2(RevDiff1, RevDiff2, RevT), reverse(RevLcs, Lcs). list_lcs2(List1, List2, Lcs) :- variant_sha1(List1+List2, Hash), call_cleanup( lcs(List1, List2, Hash, Lcs), retractall(lcs_db(_,_))). copy_prefix([H|T1], [H|T2], L1, L2, [H|L], LT) :- !, copy_prefix(T1, T2, L1, L2, L, LT). copy_prefix(R1, R2, R1, R2, L, L). lcs(_,_,Hash,Lcs) :- lcs_db(Hash,Lcs), !. lcs([H|L1], [H|L2], _, [H|Lcs]) :- !, variant_sha1(L1+L2,Hash), lcs(L1, L2, Hash, Lcs). lcs(List1, List2, Hash, Lcs) :- List1 = [H1|L1], List2 = [H2|L2], variant_sha1(L1+[H2|L2],Hash1), variant_sha1([H1|L1]+L2,Hash2), lcs( L1 , [H2|L2], Hash1, Lcs1), lcs([H1|L1], L2 , Hash2, Lcs2), longest(Lcs1, Lcs2, Lcs), !, asserta(lcs_db(Hash, Lcs)). lcs(_,_,_,[]). longest(L1, L2, Longest) :- length(L1, Length1), length(L2, Length2), ( Length1 > Length2 -> Longest = L1 ; Longest = L2 ). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:error_message//1. prolog:error_message(gitty(not_at_head(Name, _OldCommit))) --> [ 'Gitty: cannot update head for "~w" because it was \c updated by someone else'-[Name] ]. prolog:error_message(gitty(file_exists(Name))) --> [ 'Gitty: File exists: ~p'-[Name] ]. prolog:error_message(gitty(commit_version(Name, _Head, _Previous))) --> [ 'Gitty: ~p: cannot update (modified by someone else)'-[Name] ].