
Prolog files

janus.pl  -- Call Python from PrologShow source
items/2True when Items is a list of Key:Value that appear in Dict.Source
key/2True when Key is a key in Dict.Source
keys/2True when Keys is a list of keys that appear in Dict.Source
py_add_lib_dir/1Add a directory to the Python module search path.Source
py_add_lib_dir/2Add a directory to the Python module search path.Source
py_call/1Call Python and return the result of the called function.Source
py_call/2Call Python and return the result of the called function.Source
py_call/3Call Python and return the result of the called function.Source
py_dot/4Call a method or access an attribute on the object ObjRef.Source
py_dot/5Call a method or access an attribute on the object ObjRef.Source
py_free/1Immediately free (decrement the reference count) for the Python object Obj.Source
py_func/3Call Python Function in Module.Source
py_func/4Call Python Function in Module.Source
py_gil_owner/1True when the Python GIL is owned by Thread.Source
py_hasattr/2True when Name is an attribute of Module.Source
py_initialize/3Initialize and configure the embedded Python system.Source
py_is_dict/1True if Term is a Prolog term that represents a Python dict.Source
py_is_object/1True when Term is a Python object reference.Source
py_isinstance/2True if ObjRef is an instance of Type or an instance of one of the sub types of Type.Source
py_iter/2True when Value is returned by the Python Iterator.Source
py_iter/3True when Value is returned by the Python Iterator.Source
py_lib_dirs/1True when Dirs is a list of directories searched for Python modules.Source
py_module/2Load Source into the Python module Module.Source
py_module_exists/1True if Module is a currently loaded Python module or it can be loaded.Source
py_object_dict/2Examine attributes of an object.Source
py_object_dir/2Examine attributes of an object.Source
py_pp/1Pretty prints the Prolog translation of a Python data structure in Python syntax.Source
py_pp/2Pretty prints the Prolog translation of a Python data structure in Python syntax.Source
py_pp/3Pretty prints the Prolog translation of a Python data structure in Python syntax.Source
py_setattr/3Set a Python attribute on an object.Source
py_shell/0Start an interactive Python REPL loop using the embedded Python interpreter.Source
py_type/2True when Type is the name of the type of ObjRef.Source
py_version/0Print version info on the embedded Python installation based on Python sys.version.Source
py_with_gil/1Run Goal as once(Goal) while holding the Phyton GIL (Global Interpreter Lock).Source
values/3Get the value associated with Dict at Path.Source