
Source term_to_json(+Term, +Bindings, -JsonTerm) is det
Source term_to_json(+Term, -JsonTerm) is det
Convert any general Prolog term into a JSON term. Prolog lists are treated in a special way. Also, JSON terms are not converted. Mapping:
Bindings- is a list of Name=Var terms for variables that get their name from the environment.

Re-exported predicates

The following predicates are exported from this file while their implementation is defined in imported modules or non-module files loaded by this module.

Source term_to_json(+Term, +Bindings, -JsonTerm) is det
Source term_to_json(+Term, -JsonTerm) is det
Convert any general Prolog term into a JSON term. Prolog lists are treated in a special way. Also, JSON terms are not converted. Mapping:
Bindings- is a list of Name=Var terms for variables that get their name from the environment.