/* Part of SWISH Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2014-2024, VU University Amsterdam CWI, Amsterdam SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(web_storage, [ storage_file/1, % ?File storage_file_extension/2, % ?File, ?Extension storage_file_extension_head/3, % ?File, ?Extension, -Head storage_file/3, % +File, -Data, -Meta storage_meta_data/2, % +File, -Meta storage_meta_property/2, % +Meta, ?Property storage_commit/2, % +Hash, -Meta storage_fsck/0, storage_repack/0, storage_repack/1, % +Options storage_unpack/0, storage_store_term/2, % +Term, -Hash storage_load_term/2, % +Hash, -Term use_gitty_file/1, % +File use_gitty_file/2 % +File, +Options ]). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). :- use_module(library(http/http_json)). :- use_module(library(http/http_cors)). :- use_module(library(http/mimetype)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(settings)). :- use_module(library(random)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(broadcast)). :- use_module(library(readutil)). :- use_module(library(solution_sequences)). :- use_module(library(dcg/basics)). :- use_module(library(pcre)). :- use_module(library(pengines_io)). :- use_module(page). :- use_module(gitty). :- use_module(patch). :- use_module(config). :- use_module(search). :- use_module(authenticate). :- use_module(pep). :- meta_predicate use_gitty_file(:), use_gitty_file(:, +). :- multifile search_sources_hook/2, % +Query, -Result typeahead_hooked/1. % +Set /** Store files on behalve of web clients The file store needs to deal with versioning and meta-data. This is achieved using gitty.pl, a git-like content-base store that lacks git's notion of a _tree_. I.e., all files are considered individual and have their own version. */ :- setting(directory, callable, data(storage), 'The directory for storing files.'). :- http_handler(swish('p/'), web_storage, [ id(web_storage), prefix ]). :- http_handler(swish('source_list'), source_list, [ id(source_list) ]). :- http_handler(swish('source_modified'), source_modified, [ id(source_modified) ]). :- listen(http(pre_server_start), open_gittystore(_)). :- dynamic storage_dir/1. :- volatile storage_dir/1. open_gittystore(Dir0) :- storage_dir(Dir), !, Dir = Dir0. open_gittystore(Dir) :- with_mutex(web_storage, open_gittystore_guarded(Dir0)), Dir = Dir0. open_gittystore_guarded(Dir) :- storage_dir(Dir), !. open_gittystore_guarded(Dir) :- setting(directory, Spec), absolute_file_name(Spec, Dir, [ file_type(directory), access(write), file_errors(fail) ]), !, gitty_open_options(Options), gitty_open(Dir, Options), asserta(storage_dir(Dir)). open_gittystore_guarded(Dir) :- setting(directory, Spec), absolute_file_name(Spec, Dir, [ solutions(all) ]), \+ exists_directory(Dir), create_store(Dir), !, gitty_open_options(Options), gitty_open(Dir, Options), asserta(storage_dir(Dir)). create_store(Dir) :- exists_directory('storage/ref'), !, print_message(informational, moved_old_store(storage, Dir)), rename_file(storage, Dir). create_store(Dir) :- catch(make_directory(Dir), error(permission_error(create, directory, Dir), _), fail), !. gitty_open_options(Options) :- findall(Opt, gitty_open_option(Opt), Options). gitty_open_option(Option) :- swish_config(redis, DB), !, ( Option = redis(DB) ; gitty_redis_option(Option) ). gitty_redis_option(redis_prefix(Prefix)) :- swish_config(redis_prefix, Prefix). gitty_redis_option(redis_ro(Server)) :- swish_config(redis_ro, Server). %! web_storage(+Request) is det. % % Restfull HTTP handler to store data on behalf of the client in a % hard-to-guess location. Returns a JSON object that provides the % URL for the data and the plain file name. Understands the HTTP % methods =GET=, =POST=, =PUT= and =DELETE=. web_storage(Request) :- memberchk(method(options), Request), !, cors_enable(Request, [ methods([get,post,put,delete]) ]), format('~n'). web_storage(Request) :- cors_enable(Request, [ methods([get,post,put,delete]) ]), authenticate(Request, Auth), option(method(Method), Request), open_gittystore(_), storage(Method, Request, [identity(Auth)]). :- multifile swish_config:authenticate/2, swish_config:chat_count_about/2, swish_config:user_profile/2. % +Request, -Profile storage(get, Request, Options) :- http_parameters(Request, [ format(Fmt, [ oneof([swish,raw,json,history,diff]), default(swish), description('How to render') ]), depth(Depth, [ default(5), integer, description('History depth') ]), to(RelTo, [ optional(true), description('Diff relative to') ]) ]), ( Fmt == history -> ( nonvar(RelTo) -> Format = history(Depth, RelTo) ; Format = history(Depth) ) ; Fmt == diff -> Format = diff(RelTo) ; Format = Fmt ), storage_get(Request, Format, Options). storage(post, Request, Options) :- http_read_json_dict(Request, Dict), option(data(Data), Dict, ""), option(type(Type), Dict, pl), storage_dir(Dir), meta_data(Dir, Dict, _, Meta, Options), ( atom_string(Base, Dict.get(meta).get(name)) -> file_name_extension(Base, Type, File), ( authorized(gitty(create(File,named,Meta)), Options), catch(gitty_create(Dir, File, Data, Meta, Commit), error(gitty(file_exists(File)),_), fail) -> true ; Error = json{error:file_exists, file:File} ) ; ( repeat, random_filename(Base), file_name_extension(Base, Type, File), authorized(gitty(create(File,random,Meta)), Options), catch(gitty_create(Dir, File, Data, Meta, Commit), error(gitty(file_exists(File)),_), fail) -> true ) ), ( var(Error) -> debug(storage, 'Created: ~p', [Commit]), storage_url(File, URL), broadcast(swish(created(File, Commit))), follow(Commit, Dict), reply_json_dict(json{url:URL, file:File, meta:Commit.put(symbolic, "HEAD") }) ; reply_json_dict(Error) ). storage(put, Request, Options) :- http_read_json_dict(Request, Dict), storage_dir(Dir), request_file(Request, Dir, File), ( Dict.get(update) == "meta-data" -> gitty_data(Dir, File, Data, _OldMeta) ; writeable(File) -> option(data(Data), Dict, "") ; option(path(Path), Request), throw(http_reply(forbidden(Path))) ), meta_data(Dir, Dict, PrevMeta, Meta, Options), storage_url(File, URL), authorized(gitty(update(File,PrevMeta,Meta)), Options), catch(gitty_update(Dir, File, Data, Meta, Commit), Error, true), ( var(Error) -> debug(storage, 'Updated: ~p', [Commit]), collect_messages_as_json( broadcast(swish(updated(File, Commit))), Messages), debug(gitty(load), 'Messages: ~p', [Messages]), follow(Commit, Dict), reply_json_dict(json{ url:URL, file:File, meta:Commit.put(symbolic, "HEAD"), messages:Messages }) ; update_error(Error, Dir, Data, File, URL) ). storage(delete, Request, Options) :- storage_dir(Dir), meta_data(Dir, _{}, PrevMeta, Meta, Options), request_file(Request, Dir, File), authorized(gitty(delete(File,PrevMeta)), Options), gitty_update(Dir, File, "", Meta, Commit), broadcast(swish(deleted(File, Commit))), reply_json_dict(true). writeable(File) :- \+ file_name_extension(_, lnk, File). %! update_error(+Error, +Storage, +Data, +File, +URL) % % If error signals an edit conflict, prepare an HTTP =|409 % Conflict|= page update_error(error(gitty(commit_version(_, Head, Previous)), _), Dir, Data, File, URL) :- !, gitty_diff(Dir, Previous, Head, OtherEdit), gitty_diff(Dir, Previous, data(Data), MyEdits), Status0 = json{url:URL, file:File, error:edit_conflict, edit:_{server:OtherEdit, me:MyEdits} }, ( OtherDiff = OtherEdit.get(data) -> PatchOptions = [status(_), stderr(_)], patch(Data, OtherDiff, Merged, PatchOptions), Status1 = Status0.put(merged, Merged), foldl(patch_status, PatchOptions, Status1, Status) ; Status = Status0 ), reply_json_dict(Status, [ status(409) ]). update_error(Error, _Dir, _Data, _File, _URL) :- throw(Error). patch_status(status(exit(0)), Dict, Dict) :- !. patch_status(status(exit(Status)), Dict, Dict.put(patch_status, Status)) :- !. patch_status(status(killed(Signal)), Dict, Dict.put(patch_killed, Signal)) :- !. patch_status(stderr(""), Dict, Dict) :- !. patch_status(stderr(Errors), Dict, Dict.put(patch_errors, Errors)) :- !. %! follow(+Commit, +SaveDict) is det. % % Broadcast follow(DocID, ProfileID, [update,chat]) if the user % wishes to follow the file associated with Commit. follow(Commit, Dict) :- Dict.get(meta).get(follow) == true, _{name:File, profile_id:ProfileID} :< Commit, !, atom_concat('gitty:', File, DocID), broadcast(swish(follow(DocID, ProfileID, [update,chat]))). follow(_, _). %! request_file(+Request, +GittyDir, -File) is det. % % Extract the gitty file referenced from the HTTP Request. % % @error HTTP 404 exception request_file(Request, Dir, File) :- option(path_info(File), Request), ( gitty_file(Dir, File, _Hash) -> true ; http_404([], Request) ). storage_url(File, HREF) :- http_link_to_id(web_storage, path_postfix(File), HREF). %! meta_data(+Dict, -Meta, +Options) is det. %! meta_data(+Store, +Dict, -PrevMeta, -Meta, +Options) is det. % % Gather meta-data from the Request (user, peer, identity) and % provided meta-data. Illegal and unknown values are ignored. % % The meta_data/5 version is used to add information about a fork. % % @param Dict represents the JSON document posted and contains the % content (`data`) and meta data (`meta`). meta_data(Dict, Meta, Options) :- option(identity(Auth), Options), ( _ = Auth.get(identity) -> HasIdentity = true ; HasIdentity = false ), filter_auth(Auth, Auth1), ( filter_meta(Dict.get(meta), HasIdentity, Meta1) -> Meta = meta{}.put(Auth1).put(Meta1) ; Meta = meta{}.put(Auth1) ). meta_data(Store, Dict, PrevMeta, Meta, Options) :- meta_data(Dict, Meta1, Options), ( atom_string(Previous, Dict.get(previous)), is_gitty_hash(Previous), gitty_commit(Store, Previous, PrevMeta) -> Meta = Meta1.put(previous, Previous) ; Meta = Meta1 ). filter_meta(Dict0, HasID, Dict) :- dict_pairs(Dict0, Tag, Pairs0), filter_pairs(Pairs0, HasID, Pairs), dict_pairs(Dict, Tag, Pairs). filter_pairs([], _, []). filter_pairs([K-V0|T0], HasID, [K-V|T]) :- meta_allowed(K, HasID, Type), filter_type(Type, V0, V), !, filter_pairs(T0, HasID, T). filter_pairs([_|T0], HasID, T) :- filter_pairs(T0, HasID, T). meta_allowed(public, _, boolean). meta_allowed(example, _, boolean). meta_allowed(author, _, string). meta_allowed(avatar, false, string). meta_allowed(email, _, string). meta_allowed(title, _, string). meta_allowed(tags, _, list(string)). meta_allowed(description, _, string). meta_allowed(commit_message, _, string). meta_allowed(modify, _, list(atom)). filter_type(Type, V, V) :- is_of_type(Type, V), !. filter_type(list(Type), V0, V) :- is_list(V0), maplist(filter_type(Type), V0, V). filter_type(atom, V0, V) :- atomic(V0), atom_string(V, V0). filter_auth(Auth0, Auth) :- auth_template(Auth), Auth :< Auth0, !. filter_auth(Auth, Auth). auth_template(_{identity:_, profile_id:_}). auth_template(_{profile_id:_}). auth_template(_{identity:_}). %! storage_get(+Request, +Format, +Options) is det. % % HTTP handler that returns information a given gitty file. % % @arg Format is one of % % - swish % Serve file embedded in a SWISH application % - raw % Serve the raw file % - json % Return a JSON object with the keys `data` and `meta` % - history(Depth, IncludeHASH) % Return a JSON description with the change log % - diff(RelTo) % Reply with diff relative to RelTo. Default is the % previous commit. storage_get(Request, swish, Options) :- swish_reply_config(Request, Options), !. storage_get(Request, Format, Options) :- storage_dir(Dir), request_file_or_hash(Request, Dir, FileOrHash, Type), Obj =.. [Type,FileOrHash], authorized(gitty(download(Obj, Format)), Options), storage_get(Format, Dir, Type, FileOrHash, Request), broadcast(swish(download(Dir, FileOrHash, Format))). storage_get(swish, Dir, Type, FileOrHash, Request) :- gitty_data_or_default(Dir, Type, FileOrHash, Code, Meta), chat_count(Meta, Count), swish_show([ code(Code), file(FileOrHash), st_type(gitty), meta(Meta), chat_count(Count) ], Request). storage_get(raw, Dir, Type, FileOrHash, _Request) :- gitty_data_or_default(Dir, Type, FileOrHash, Code, Meta), file_mime_type(Meta.name, MIME), format('Content-type: ~w~n~n', [MIME]), format('~s', [Code]). storage_get(json, Dir, Type, FileOrHash, _Request) :- gitty_data_or_default(Dir, Type, FileOrHash, Code, Meta), chat_count(Meta, Count), JSON0 = json{data:Code, meta:Meta, chats:_{total:Count}}, ( open_hook(json, JSON0, JSON) -> true ; JSON = JSON0 ), reply_json_dict(JSON). storage_get(history(Depth, Includes), Dir, _, File, _Request) :- gitty_history(Dir, File, History, [depth(Depth),includes(Includes)]), reply_json_dict(History). storage_get(history(Depth), Dir, _, File, _Request) :- gitty_history(Dir, File, History, [depth(Depth)]), reply_json_dict(History). storage_get(diff(RelTo), Dir, _, File, _Request) :- gitty_diff(Dir, RelTo, File, Diff), reply_json_dict(Diff). request_file_or_hash(Request, Dir, FileOrHash, Type) :- option(path_info(FileOrHash), Request), ( gitty_file(Dir, FileOrHash, _Hash) -> Type = file ; is_gitty_hash(FileOrHash) -> Type = hash ; gitty_default_file(FileOrHash, _) -> Type = default ; http_404([], Request) ). %! gitty_data_or_default(+Dir, +Type, +FileOrHash, -Code, -Meta) % % Read a file from the gitty store. I the file is not present, a % default may be provided =gitty/File= in the config directory. gitty_data_or_default(_, default, File, Code, meta{name:File, modify:[login,owner], default:true, chat:"large" }) :- !, gitty_default_file(File, Path), read_file_to_string(Path, Code, []). gitty_data_or_default(Dir, _, FileOrHash, Code, Meta) :- gitty_data(Dir, FileOrHash, Code, Meta), !. gitty_default_file(File, Path) :- file_name_extension(Base, Ext, File), memberchk(Ext, [pl,swinb]), forall(sub_atom(Base, _, 1, _, C), char_type(C, csym)), absolute_file_name(config(gitty/File), Path, [ access(read), file_errors(fail) ]). %! chat_count(+Meta, -ChatCount) is det. % % True when ChatCount is the number of chat messages available % about Meta. chat_count(Meta, Chats) :- atom_concat('gitty:', Meta.get(name), DocID), swish_config:chat_count_about(DocID, Chats), !. chat_count(_, 0). %! random_filename(-Name) is det. % % Return a random file name from plain nice ASCII characters. random_filename(Name) :- length(Chars, 8), maplist(random_char, Chars), atom_chars(Name, Chars). from('abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'). random_char(Char) :- from(From), atom_length(From, Len), Max is Len - 1, random_between(0, Max, I), sub_atom(From, I, 1, _, Char). %! swish_show(+Options, +Request) % % Hande a document. First calls the hook open_hook/2 to rewrite % the document. This is used for e.g., permahashes. :- multifile open_hook/3. swish_show(Options0, Request) :- open_hook(swish, Options0, Options), !, swish_reply(Options, Request). swish_show(Options, Request) :- swish_reply(Options, Request). /******************************* * INTERFACE * *******************************/ %! storage_file(?File) is nondet. %! storage_file_extension(?File, ?Extension) is nondet. %! storage_file_extension_head(?File, ?Extension, -Head) is nondet. %! storage_file(+File, -Data, -Meta) is semidet. %! storage_meta_data(+File, -Meta) is semidet. % % True if File is known in the store. % % @arg Data is a string holding the content of the file % @arg Meta is a dict holding the meta data about the file. storage_file(File) :- storage_file_extension(File, _). storage_file_extension(File, Ext) :- storage_file_extension_head(File, Ext, _). storage_file_extension_head(File, Ext, Head) :- open_gittystore(Dir), gitty_file(Dir, File, Ext, Head). storage_file(File, Data, Meta) :- open_gittystore(Dir), ( var(File) -> gitty_file(Dir, File, Head), gitty_data(Dir, Head, Data, Meta) ; gitty_data(Dir, File, Data, Meta) ). storage_meta_data(File, Meta) :- open_gittystore(Dir), ( var(File) -> gitty_file(Dir, File, _Head) ; true ), gitty_commit(Dir, File, Meta). %! storage_commit(+Hash, -Meta) is semidet. % % Load the commit data for Hash. This version does __not__ tell us % whether Hash is the ``HEAD`` or not. storage_commit(Hash, Meta) :- open_gittystore(Dir), gitty_plain_commit(Dir, Hash, Meta). %! storage_meta_property(+Meta, -Property) % % True when Meta has Property. Defined properties are: % % - peer(Atom) % Peer address that last saved the file % - storage_meta_property(Meta, Property) :- current_meta_property(Property, How), meta_property(Property, How, Meta). meta_property(Property, dict, Identity) :- Property =.. [Name,Value], Value = Identity.get(Name). meta_property(modify(Modify), _, Meta) :- ( Modify0 = Meta.get(modify) -> Modify = Modify0 ; Modify = [any,login,owner] ). current_meta_property(peer(_Atom), dict). current_meta_property(public(_Bool), dict). current_meta_property(time(_Seconds), dict). current_meta_property(author(_String), dict). current_meta_property(identity(_String), dict). current_meta_property(avatar(_String), dict). current_meta_property(modify(_List), derived). %! storage_store_term(+Term, -Hash) is det. %! storage_load_term(+Hash, -Term) is det. % % Add/retrieve terms from the gitty store. This is used to create % permanent links to arbitrary objects. storage_store_term(Term, Hash) :- open_gittystore(Dir), with_output_to(string(S), write_canonical(Term)), gitty_save(Dir, S, term, Hash). storage_load_term(Hash, Term) :- open_gittystore(Dir), gitty_load(Dir, Hash, Data, term), term_string(Term, Data). /******************************* * LOAD GITTY FILES PERMANENTLY * *******************************/ %! use_gitty_file(+File) is det. %! use_gitty_file(+File, +Options) is det. % % Load a file from the Gitty store. Options are passed to % load_files/2. Additional options are: % % - watch(+Boolean) % If `true` (default), reload the file if the user saves it. use_gitty_file(File) :- use_gitty_file(File, []). use_gitty_file(M:Spec, Options) :- ensure_extension(Spec, pl, File), setup_watch(M:File, Options), storage_file(File, Data, Meta), atom_concat('swish://', File, URL), setup_call_cleanup( open_string(Data, In), load_files(M:URL, [ stream(In), modified(Meta.time), if(changed) | Options ]), close(In)). ensure_extension(File, Ext, File) :- file_name_extension(_, Ext, File), !. ensure_extension(Base, Ext, File) :- file_name_extension(Base, Ext, File). :- dynamic watching/3. % File, Module, Options setup_watch(M:File, Options) :- option(watch(true), Options, true), !, ( watching(File, M, Options) -> true ; retractall(watching(File, M, _)), assertz(watching(File, M, Options)) ). setup_watch(M:File, _Options) :- retractall(watching(File, M, _)). /******************************* * AUTOMATIC RELOAD * *******************************/ :- initialization listen(swish(updated(File, Commit)), run_watchdog(File, Commit)). run_watchdog(File, _Commit) :- debug(gitty(reload), 'File ~p was saved', [File]), forall(watching(File, Module, Options), use_gitty_file(Module:File, Options)). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ %! collect_messages_as_json(+Goal, -Messages) % % Run Goal, collecting messages as produced by print_message/2 in % Messages as JSON terms. :- meta_predicate collect_messages_as_json(0, -). :- thread_local messages/1. collect_messages_as_json(Goal, Messages) :- retractall(messages(_)), setup_call_cleanup( asserta((user:thread_message_hook(Term,Kind,Lines) :- collect_message(Term,Kind,Lines)), Ref), Goal, erase(Ref)), findall(Msg, retract(messages(Msg)), Messages). collect_message(Term, Kind, Lines) :- message_to_json(Term, Kind, Lines, JSON), assertz(messages(JSON)). message_to_json(Term, Kind, Lines, JSON) :- message_to_string(Term, String), JSON0 = json{type: message, kind: Kind, data: [String]}, add_html_message(Kind, Lines, JSON0, JSON1), ( source_location(File, Line) -> JSON2 = JSON1.put(location, json{file:File, line:Line}) ; JSON2 = JSON1 ), ( message_details(Term, JSON2, JSON) -> true ; JSON = JSON2 ). message_details(error(syntax_error(_What), file(File,Line,Offset,_CharPos)), JSON0, JSON) :- JSON = JSON0.put(location, json{file:File, line:Line, ch:Offset}) .put(code, syntax_error). message_details(load_file(Step), JSON0, JSON) :- functor(Step, Code, _), JSON = JSON0.put(code, Code). % Added in SWI-Prolog 7.7.21 :- if(current_predicate(message_lines_to_html/3)). add_html_message(Kind, Lines, JSON0, JSON) :- atom_concat('msg-', Kind, Class), message_lines_to_html(Lines, [Class], HTML), JSON = JSON0.put(html, HTML). :- else. add_html_message(_, _, JSON, JSON). :- endif. /******************************* * MAINTENANCE * *******************************/ %! storage_fsck % % Enumerate and check the consistency of the entire store. storage_fsck :- open_gittystore(Dir), gitty_fsck(Dir). %! storage_repack is det. %! storage_repack(+Options) is det. % % Repack the storage directory. Currently only supports the % `files` driver. For database drivers this is supposed to be % handled by the database. :- multifile gitty_driver_files:repack_objects/2, gitty_driver_files:unpack_packs/1. storage_repack :- storage_repack([]). storage_repack(Options) :- open_gittystore(Dir), ( gitty_driver(Dir, files) -> gitty_driver_files:repack_objects(Dir, Options) ; print_message(informational, gitty(norepack(driver))) ). %! storage_unpack % % Unpack all packed objects of the store. Currently only supports % the `files` driver. For database drivers this is supposed to be % handled by the database. storage_unpack :- open_gittystore(Dir), ( gitty_driver(Dir, files) -> gitty_driver_files:unpack_packs(Dir) ; print_message(informational, gitty(nounpack(driver))) ). /******************************* * SEARCH SUPPORT * *******************************/ :- multifile swish_search:typeahead/4. % +Set, +Query, -Match, +Options %! swish_search:typeahead(+Set, +Query, -Match, +Options) is nondet. % % Find files using typeahead from the SWISH search box. This % version defines the following sets: % % - file: Search the store for matching file names, matching tag % or title. % - store_content: Search the content of the store for matching % lines. % % @tbd caching? % @tbd We should only demand public on public servers. swish_search:typeahead(file, Query, FileInfo, _Options) :- \+ typeahead_hooked(file), !, open_gittystore(Dir), gitty_file(Dir, File, Head), gitty_plain_commit(Dir, Head, Meta), Meta.get(public) == true, ( sub_atom(File, 0, _, _, Query) % find only public -> true ; meta_match_query(Query, Meta) -> true ), FileInfo = Meta.put(_{type:"store", file:File}). meta_match_query(Query, Meta) :- member(Tag, Meta.get(tags)), sub_atom(Tag, 0, _, _, Query). meta_match_query(Query, Meta) :- sub_atom(Meta.get(author), 0, _, _, Query). meta_match_query(Query, Meta) :- Title = Meta.get(title), sub_atom_icasechk(Title, Start, Query), ( Start =:= 0 -> true ; Before is Start-1, sub_atom(Title, Before, 1, _, C), \+ char_type(C, csym) ). swish_search:typeahead(store_content, Query, FileInfo, Options) :- \+ typeahead_hooked(store_content), limit(25, search_store_content(Query, FileInfo, Options)). search_store_content(Query, FileInfo, Options) :- open_gittystore(Dir), gitty_file(Dir, File, Head), gitty_data(Dir, Head, Data, Meta), Meta.get(public) == true, limit(5, search_file(File, Meta, Data, Query, FileInfo, Options)). search_file(File, Meta, Data, Query, FileInfo, Options) :- split_string(Data, "\n", "\r", Lines), nth1(LineNo, Lines, Line), match(Line, Query, Options), FileInfo = Meta.put(_{type:"store", file:File, line:LineNo, text:Line, query:Query }). /******************************* * SOURCE LIST * *******************************/ %! source_list(+Request) % % List source files. Request parameters: % % - q(Query) % Query is a string for which the following sub strings % are treated special: % $ "..." : % A quoted string is taken as a string search % $ /.../[xim]* % Regular expression search % $ tag:Tag : % Must have tag containing % $ type:Type : % Limit to one of `pl`, `swinb` or `lnk` % $ user:User : % Must have user containing. If User is `me` must be % owned by current user % $ name:Name : % Must have name containing % - o(Order) % Order by `time` (default), `name`, `author` or `type` % - offset(+Offset) % - limit(+Limit) % - display_name % - avatar % Weak identity parameters used to identify _own_ documents % that are also weakly identified. % % Reply is a JSON object containing `count` (total matches), % `cpu` (CPU time) and `matches` (list of matching sources) % % @tbd Search the content when searching a .lnk file? % @tbd Speedup expensive searches. Cache? Use external DB? source_list(Request) :- memberchk(method(options), Request), !, cors_enable(Request, [ methods([get,post]) ]), format('~n'). source_list(Request) :- cors_enable, authenticate(Request, Auth), http_parameters(Request, [ q(Q, [optional(true)]), o(Order, [ oneof([time,name,author,type]), optional(true) ]), d(Dir, [ oneof([asc, desc]), optional(true) ]), offset(Offset, [integer, default(0)]), limit(Limit, [integer, default(10)]), display_name(DisplayName, [optional(true), string]), avatar(Avatar, [optional(true), string]) ]), bound(Auth.put(_{display_name:DisplayName, avatar:Avatar}), AuthEx), last_modified(Modified), parse_query(Q, Query), ESQuery0 = #{ query_string:Q, query:Query, auth:AuthEx, limit:Limit, offset:Offset }, add_ordering(Order, Dir, ESQuery0, ESQuery), search_sources(ESQuery, Result), ( _ = Result.get(error) -> reply_json_dict(Result, [status(500)]) ; reply_json_dict(Result.put(#{offset:Offset, modified:Modified})) ). add_ordering(Order, _Dir, Q, Q) :- var(Order), !. add_ordering(Order, Dir, Q0, Q) :- var(Dir), !, order(Order, Field, Dir), Q = Q0.put(_{order_by: Field, order: Dir}). add_ordering(Order, Dir, Q0, Q) :- order(Order, Field, _), Q = Q0.put(_{order_by: Field, order: Dir}). order(type, ext, asc) :- !. order(time, time, desc) :- !. order(Field, Field, asc). %! search_sources(+Query, -Results) is det. % % Search the available sources. Query is a dict holding % % - query.query_string % The original query string. % - Query.query % Parsed query string. This is a list of Tag(Value), word(Word), % regex(String, Flags) or string(String) (quoted search). The % `Value` is either a string or regex(String, Flags). % - Query.auth % Authentication information for the current session % - Query.order_by % Field to order on % - Query.order % Ordering (one of `desc` (@>=) or `asc` (@=<)) % - Query.limit % Number of results to return % - Query.offset % Number of results to skip % % Result is a dict holding % % - Result.matches % The actual hits. The matches are dicts holding these keys % - Match.time % Time stamp (seconds since 1970) % - Match.tags % Tags of the document % - Match.author % Author of the document % - Match.avatar % Known avatar % - Match.name % File name % - Result.total % Total number of answers % - cpu:CPU time. % % This predicate can be hooked using search_sources_hook/2 that uses % the same signature. If the hook fails, naive search is performed. % The naive algorithm is fine for local installations with a couple of % hundreds of files. Public installations need to hook this predicate % using a proper full text database. search_sources(Query, Result) :- search_sources_hook(Query, Result), !. search_sources(Q, #{ matches:Sources, total:Count, cpu:CPU }) :- statistics(cputime, CPU0), findall(Source, source(Q.query, Q.auth, Source), AllSources), statistics(cputime, CPU1), length(AllSources, Count), CPU is CPU1 - CPU0, ( _{order_by:Field, order:Dir} :< Q -> order_cmp(Dir, Cmp), sort(Field, Cmp, AllSources, Ordered) ; sort(time, @>=, AllSources, Ordered) ), list_offset_limit(Ordered, Q.offset, Q.limit, Sources). order_cmp(asc, @=<). order_cmp(desc, @>=). list_offset_limit(List0, Offset, Limit, List) :- list_offset(List0, Offset, List1), list_limit(List1, Limit, List). list_offset([_|T0], Offset, T) :- succ(O1, Offset), !, list_offset(T0, O1, T). list_offset(List, _, List). list_limit([H|T0], Limit, [H|T]) :- succ(L1, Limit), !, list_limit(T0, L1, T). list_limit(_, _, []). source(Query, Auth, Source) :- source_q(Query, Auth, Source). source_q([user("me")], Auth, _Source) :- \+ _ = Auth.get(avatar), \+ user_property(Auth, identity(_Id)), !, fail. source_q(Query0, Auth, Source) :- maplist(compile_query_element, Query0, Query), type_constraint(Query, Query1, Type), partition(content_query, Query1, ContentConstraints, MetaConstraints), storage_file_extension_head(File, Type, Head), source_data(File, Head, Meta, Source), visible(Meta, Auth, MetaConstraints), maplist(matches_meta(Source, Auth), MetaConstraints), matches_content(ContentConstraints, Head). compile_query_element(regex(String, Flags), Regex) => maplist(re_flag_option, Flags, Options), re_compile(String, Regex, Options). compile_query_element(word(String), Regex) => re_compile(String, Regex, [ extended(true), caseless(true) ]). compile_query_element(type(String), Type) => Type = type(Atom), atom_string(Atom, String). compile_query_element(TaggedRegex, QE), TaggedRegex =.. [Tag,regex(String,Flags)] => maplist(re_flag_option, Flags, Options), re_compile(String, Regex, Options), QE =.. [Tag,Regex]. compile_query_element(Any, QE) => QE = Any. re_flag_option(i, [caseless(true)]). re_flag_option(x, [extended(true)]). re_flag_option(m, [multiline(true)]). re_flag_option(s, [dotall(true)]). content_query(string(_)). content_query(regex(_)). source_data(File, Head, Meta, Source) :- storage_commit(Head, Meta), file_name_extension(_, Type, File), Info = _{time:_, tags:_, author:_, avatar:_, name:_}, Info >:< Meta, bound(Info, Info2), Source = Info2.put(_{type:st_gitty, ext:Type}). bound(Dict0, Dict) :- dict_pairs(Dict0, Tag, Pairs0), include(bound, Pairs0, Pairs), dict_pairs(Dict, Tag, Pairs). bound(_-V) :- nonvar(V). %! visible(+FileMeta, +Auth, +MetaConstraints) is semidet. visible(Meta, Auth, Constraints) :- memberchk(user("me"), Constraints), !, owns(Auth, Meta, user(_)). visible(Meta, _Auth, _Constraints) :- Meta.get(public) == true, !. visible(Meta, Auth, _Constraints) :- owns(Auth, Meta, _). %! owns(+Auth, +Meta, ?How) is semidet. % % True if the file represented by Meta is owned by the user % identified as Auth. If this is a strong identity we must give a % strong answer. % % @tbd Weaker identity on the basis of author, avatar % properties and/or IP properties. owns(Auth, Meta, user(me)) :- storage_meta_property(Meta, identity(Id)), !, user_property(Auth, identity(Id)). owns(_Auth, Meta, _) :- % demand strong ownership for \+ Meta.get(public) == true, % non-public files. !, fail. owns(Auth, Meta, user(avatar)) :- storage_meta_property(Meta, avatar(Id)), user_property(Auth, avatar(Id)), !. owns(Auth, Meta, user(nickname)) :- Auth.get(display_name) == Meta.get(author), !. owns(Auth, Meta, host(How)) :- % trust same host and local host Peer = Auth.get(peer), ( Peer == Meta.get(peer) -> How = same ; sub_atom(Meta.get(peer), 0, _, _, '127.0.0.') -> How = local ). %! matches_meta(+Source, +Auth, +Query) is semidet. % % True when Source matches the meta-data requirements matches_meta(Dict, _, tag(Tag)) :- !, ( Tag == "" -> Dict.get(tags) \== [] ; member(Tagged, Dict.get(tags)), match_meta(Tag, Tagged) -> true ). matches_meta(Dict, _, name(Name)) :- !, match_meta(Name, Dict.get(name)). matches_meta(Dict, _, user(Name)) :- ( Name \== "me" -> match_meta(Name, Dict.get(author)) ; true % handled in visible/3 ). match_meta(regex(RE), Value) :- !, re_match(RE, Value). match_meta(String, Value) :- sub_atom_icasechk(Value, _, String). matches_content([], _) :- !. matches_content(Constraints, Hash) :- storage_file(Hash, Data, _Meta), maplist(match_content(Data), Constraints). match_content(Data, string(S)) :- sub_atom_icasechk(Data, _, S), !. match_content(Data, regex(RE)) :- re_match(RE, Data). %! type_constraint(+Query0, -Query, -Type) is det. % % Extract the type constraints from the query as we can handle % that efficiently. type_constraint(Query0, Query, Type) :- partition(is_type, Query0, Types, Query), ( Types == [] -> true ; Types = [type(Type)] -> true ; maplist(arg(1), Types, List), freeze(Type, memberchk(Type, List)) ). is_type(type(_)). %! parse_query(+String, -Query) is det. % % Parse a query, resulting in a list of Name(Value) pairs. Name is one % of `tag`, `user`, `type`, `string` or `regex`. Value is one of a % string, string(String) (quoted), regex(String, Flags) or % word(String). parse_query(Q, Query) :- var(Q), !, Query = []. parse_query(Q, Query) :- string_codes(Q, Codes), phrase(query(Query), Codes). query([H|T]) --> blanks, query1(H), !, query(T). query([]) --> blanks. query1(Q) --> tag(Tag, Value), !, {Q =.. [Tag,Value]}. query1(Q) --> "\"", string(Codes), "\"", !, { string_codes(String, Codes), Q = string(String) }. query1(regex(String, Flags)) --> "/", string(Codes), "/", re_flags(Flags), !, { string_codes(String, Codes) }. query1(word(String)) --> next_word(String), { String \== "" }. re_flags([H|T]) --> re_flag(H), !, re_flags(T). re_flags([]) --> blank. re_flags([]) --> eos. re_flag(i) --> "i". re_flag(x) --> "x". re_flag(m) --> "m". re_flag(s) --> "s". next_word(String) --> blanks, nonblank(H), string(Codes), ( blank ; eos ), !, { string_codes(String, [H|Codes]) }. tag(name, Value) --> "name:", tag_value(Value). tag(tag, Value) --> "tag:", tag_value(Value). tag(user, Value) --> "user:", tag_value(Value). tag(type, Value) --> "type:", tag_value(Value). tag_value(String) --> blanks, "\"", !, string(Codes), "\"", !, { string_codes(String, Codes) }. tag_value(Q) --> blanks, "/", string(Codes), "/", re_flags(Flags), !, { Codes == [] -> Q = "" ; string_codes(String, Codes), Q = regex(String, Flags) }. tag_value(String) --> nonblank(H), !, string(Codes), ( blank ; eos ), !, { string_codes(String, [H|Codes]) }. tag_value("") --> "". /******************************* * TRACK CHANGES * *******************************/ %! source_modified(+Request) % % Reply with the last modification time of the source repo. If % there is no modification we use the time the server was started. % % This is a poor men's solution to keep the client cache % consistent. Need to think about a better way to cache searches % client and/or server side. source_modified(Request) :- memberchk(method(options), Request), !, cors_enable(Request, [ methods([get]) ]), format('~n'). source_modified(Request) :- cors_enable, authenticate(Request, _Auth), last_modified(Time), reply_json_dict(json{modified:Time}). :- dynamic gitty_last_modified/1. update_last_modified(_,_) :- with_mutex(gitty_last_modified, update_last_modified_sync). update_last_modified_sync :- get_time(Now), retractall(gitty_last_modified(_)), asserta(gitty_last_modified(Now)). last_modified(Time) :- debugging(swish(sourcelist)), % disable caching !, get_time(Now), Time is Now + 60. last_modified(Time) :- with_mutex(gitty_last_modified, last_modified_sync(Time)). last_modified_sync(Time) :- ( gitty_last_modified(Time) -> true ; statistics(process_epoch, Time) ). :- unlisten(swish(_)), listen(swish(Event), notify_event(Event)). % events on gitty files notify_event(updated(File, Commit)) :- atom_concat('gitty:', File, DocID), update_last_modified(Commit, DocID). notify_event(deleted(File, Commit)) :- atom_concat('gitty:', File, DocID), update_last_modified(Commit, DocID). notify_event(created(File, Commit)) :- atom_concat('gitty:', File, DocID), update_last_modified(Commit, DocID). /******************************* * MESSAGES * *******************************/ :- multifile prolog:message//1. prolog:message(moved_old_store(Old, New)) --> [ 'Moving SWISH file store from ~p to ~p'-[Old, New] ].