/* Part of SWISH Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (c) 2014-2018, VU University Amsterdam CWI, Amsterdam All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Changes by: Riccardo Zese E-mail: riccardo.zese@unife.it */ :- module(swish_page, [ swish_reply/2, % +Options, +Request swish_reply_resource/1, % +Request swish_page//1, % +Options swish_navbar//1, % +Options swish_content//1, % +Options pengine_logo//1, % +Options swish_logo//1, % +Options swish_resources//0, swish_js//0, swish_css//0 ]). :- use_module(library(http/http_open)). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). :- use_module(library(http/http_header)). :- use_module(library(http/html_write)). :- use_module(library(http/js_write)). :- use_module(library(http/json)). :- use_module(library(http/http_json)). :- use_module(library(http/http_path)). :- if(exists_source(library(http/http_ssl_plugin))). :- use_module(library(http/http_ssl_plugin)). :- endif. :- use_module(library(debug)). :- use_module(library(time)). :- use_module(library(lists)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(uri)). :- use_module(library(error)). :- use_module(library(http/http_client)). :- use_module(config). :- use_module(help). :- use_module(search). :- use_module(chat). :- use_module(authenticate). :- use_module(pep). /** Provide the SWISH application as Prolog HTML component This library provides the SWISH page and its elements as Prolog HTML grammer rules. This allows for server-side generated pages to include swish or parts of swish easily into a page. */ http:location(pldoc, swish(pldoc), [priority(100)]). :- http_handler(swish(.), swish_reply([]), [id(swish), prefix]). :- http_handler('/sitemap.xml', http_reply_file('sitemap.xml', []),[]). :- http_handler('/robots.txt', http_reply_file('robots.txt', []),[]). :- multifile swish_config:logo//1, swish_config:title//1, swish_config:source_alias/2, swish_config:reply_page/1, swish_config:li_login_button//1. %% swish_reply(+Options, +Request) % % HTTP handler to reply the default SWISH page. Processes the % following parameters: % % - code(Code) % Use Code as initial code. Code is either an HTTP url or % - url(URL) % Download code from URL. As code(URL), but makes the browser % download the source rather than the server. % - background(Code) % Similar to Code, but not displayed in the editor. % - examples(Code) % Provide examples. Each example starts with ?- at the beginning % of a line. % - q(Query) % Use Query as the initial query. % - show_beware(Boolean) % Control showing the _beware limited edition_ warning. % - preserve_state(Boolean) % If `true`, save state on unload and restore old state on load. swish_reply(Options, Request) :- ( option(identity(_), Options) -> Options2 = Options ; authenticate(Request, Auth), Options2 = [identity(Auth)|Options] ), swish_reply2(Options2, Request). swish_reply2(Options, Request) :- option(method(Method), Request), Method \== get, Method \== head, !, swish_rest_reply(Method, Request, Options). swish_reply2(_, Request) :- swish_reply_resource(Request), !. swish_reply2(Options, Request) :- swish_reply_config(Request, Options), !. swish_reply2(SwishOptions, Request) :- Params = [ code(_, [optional(true)]), url(_, [optional(true)]), label(_, [optional(true)]), show_beware(_, [optional(true)]), background(_, [optional(true)]), examples(_, [optional(true)]), q(_, [optional(true)]), format(_, [oneof([swish,raw,json]), default(swish)]) ], http_parameters(Request, Params), params_options(Params, Options0), add_show_beware(Options0, Options1), add_preserve_state(Options1, Options2), merge_options(Options2, SwishOptions, Options3), source_option(Request, Options3, Options4), option(format(Format), Options4), swish_reply3(Format, Options4). swish_reply3(raw, Options) :- option(code(Code), Options), !, format('Content-type: text/x-prolog~n~n'), format('~s', [Code]). swish_reply3(json, Options) :- option(code(Code), Options), !, option(meta(Meta), Options, _{}), option(chat_count(Count), Options, 0), reply_json_dict(json{data:Code, meta:Meta, chats:_{total:Count}}). swish_reply3(_, Options) :- swish_config:reply_page(Options), !. swish_reply3(_, Options) :- reply_html_page( swish(main), \swish_title(Options), \swish_page(Options)). params_options([], []). params_options([H0|T0], [H|T]) :- arg(1, H0, Value), nonvar(Value), !, functor(H0, Name, _), H =.. [Name,Value], params_options(T0, T). params_options([_|T0], T) :- params_options(T0, T). %! add_show_beware(+Options0, -Option) is det. % % Add show_beware(false) when called with code, query or examples. % These are dedicated calls that do not justify this message. add_show_beware(Options0, Options) :- implicit_no_show_beware(Options0), !, Options = [show_beware(false)|Options0]. add_show_beware(Options, Options). implicit_no_show_beware(Options) :- option(show_beware(_), Options), !, fail. implicit_no_show_beware(Options) :- \+ option(format(swish), Options), !, fail. implicit_no_show_beware(Options) :- option(code(_), Options). implicit_no_show_beware(Options) :- option(q(_), Options). implicit_no_show_beware(Options) :- option(examples(_), Options). implicit_no_show_beware(Options) :- option(background(_), Options). %! add_preserve_state(+Options0, -Option) is det. % % Add preserve_state(false) when called with code. add_preserve_state(Options0, Options) :- option(preserve_state(_), Options0), !, Options = Options0. add_preserve_state(Options0, Options) :- option(code(_), Options0), !, Options = [preserve_state(false)|Options0]. add_preserve_state(Options, Options). %% source_option(+Request, +Options0, -Options) % % If the data was requested as '/Alias/File', reply using file % Alias(File). source_option(_Request, Options0, Options) :- option(code(Code), Options0), option(format(swish), Options0), !, ( uri_is_global(Code) -> Options = [url(Code),st_type(external)|Options0] ; Options = Options0 ). source_option(_Request, Options0, Options) :- option(url(_), Options0), option(format(swish), Options0), !, Options = [st_type(external),download(browser)|Options0]. source_option(Request, Options0, Options) :- source_file(Request, File, Options0), !, option(path(Path), Request), ( source_data(File, String, Options1) -> append([ [code(String), url(Path), st_type(filesys)], Options1, Options0 ], Options) ; http_404([], Request) ). source_option(_, Options, Options). %% source_file(+Request, -File, +Options) is semidet. % % File is the file associated with a SWISH request. A file is % associated if _path_info_ is provided. If the file does not % exist, an HTTP 404 exception is returned. Options: % % - alias(-Alias) % Get the swish_config:source_alias/2 Alias name that % was used to find File. source_file(Request, File, Options) :- option(path_info(PathInfo), Request), !, PathInfo \== 'index.html', ( path_info_file(PathInfo, File, Options) -> true ; http_404([], Request) ). path_info_file(PathInfo, Path, Options) :- sub_atom(PathInfo, B, _, A, /), sub_atom(PathInfo, 0, B, _, Alias), sub_atom(PathInfo, _, A, 0, File), catch(swish_config:source_alias(Alias, AliasOptions), E, (print_message(warning, E), fail)), Spec =.. [Alias,File], http_safe_file(Spec, []), absolute_file_name(Spec, Path, [ access(read), file_errors(fail) ]), confirm_access(Path, AliasOptions), !, option(alias(Alias), Options, _). source_data(Path, Code, [title(Title), type(Ext), meta(Meta)]) :- setup_call_cleanup( open(Path, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]), read_string(In, _, Code), close(In)), source_metadata(Path, Code, Meta), file_base_name(Path, File), file_name_extension(Title, Ext, File). %% source_metadata(+Path, +Code, -Meta:dict) is det. % % Obtain meta information about a local source file. Defined meta % info is: % % - last_modified:Time % Last modified stamp of the file. Always present. % - loaded:true % Present of the file is a loaded source file % - modified_since_loaded:true % Present if the file loaded, has been edited, but not % yet reloaded. source_metadata(Path, Code, Meta) :- findall(Name-Value, source_metadata(Path, Code, Name, Value), Pairs), dict_pairs(Meta, meta, Pairs). source_metadata(Path, _Code, path, Path). source_metadata(Path, _Code, last_modified, Modified) :- time_file(Path, Modified). source_metadata(Path, _Code, loaded, true) :- source_file(Path). source_metadata(Path, _Code, modified_since_loaded, true) :- source_file_property(Path, modified(ModifiedWhenLoaded)), time_file(Path, Modified), ModifiedWhenLoaded \== Modified. source_metadata(Path, _Code, module, Module) :- file_name_extension(_, Ext, Path), user:prolog_file_type(Ext, prolog), xref_public_list(Path, _, [module(Module)]). confirm_access(Path, Options) :- option(if(Condition), Options), !, must_be(oneof([loaded]), Condition), eval_condition(Condition, Path). confirm_access(_, _). eval_condition(loaded, Path) :- source_file(Path). %% swish_reply_resource(+Request) is semidet. % % Serve /swish/Resource files. In recent Bootstrap versions, the % path to `fonts/` is generated that should refer to % `node_modules/bootstrap/dist/fonts`. This could be a bug in % Bootstrap or in teh CSS cleaning. For now, we hack around the % issue here. swish_reply_resource(Request) :- option(path_info(Info), Request), resource_prefix(Prefix), sub_atom(Info, 0, _, _, Prefix), !, http_reply_file(swish_web(Info), [], Request). swish_reply_resource(Request) :- % see above option(path_info(Info), Request), sub_atom(Info, 0, _, _, 'fonts/'), !, atom_concat('node_modules/bootstrap/dist/', Info, Path), http_reply_file(swish_web(Path), [], Request). resource_prefix('css/'). resource_prefix('help/'). resource_prefix('form/'). resource_prefix('icons/'). resource_prefix('js/'). resource_prefix('node_modules/'). %% swish_page(+Options)// % % Generate the entire SWISH default page. swish_page(Options) --> swish_navbar(Options), swish_content(Options). %% swish_navbar(+Options)// % % Generate the swish navigation bar. swish_navbar(Options) --> swish_resources, html(div([id('navbarhelp'),style('height:40px;margin: 10px 5px;text-align:center;')], [div([class('container'),style('display: flex; height: 100px;')],[ div([style('width: 5%;')],[ a([href('https://ml.unife.it'),target('_blank')], [img([src('/icons/logo-unife.png'),height(40)])])]), div([style('flex-grow 1;')],[span([],[span([style('color:darkblue')],['TRILL']), span([style('color:maroon')],[' on ']), span([style('color:darkblue')],['SWI']), span([style('color:maroon')],['SH']), ' is a web application', ' which embeds the tableau reasoners TRILL, TRILL', span([style('vertical-align:super;font-size:smaller')],['P']), ' and TORNADO.', &(nbsp), &(nbsp), a([href('/help/about.html'),target('_blank')],['About']), &(nbsp), &(nbsp), a([href('/help/help-trill.html'),target('_blank')],['Help']), &(nbsp), &(nbsp), a([id('dismisslink'),href('')],['Dismiss']) ])]), div([style('width: 5%;')],[ a([href('https://ml.unife.it'),target('_blank')], [img([src('/icons/logo-mlunife.png'),height(40)])])]) ])]) ), html(nav([ class([navbar, 'navbar-default']), role(navigation) ], [ div(class('navbar-header'), [ \collapsed_button, \swish_logos(Options) ]), div([ class([collapse, 'navbar-collapse']), id(navbar) ], [ ul([class([nav, 'navbar-nav', menubar])], []), ul([class([nav, 'navbar-nav', 'navbar-right'])], [ li(\notifications(Options)), li(\search_box(Options)), \li_login_button(Options), li(\broadcast_bell(Options)), li(\updates(Options)) ]) ]) ])). li_login_button(Options) --> swish_config:li_login_button(Options). li_login_button(_Options) --> []. collapsed_button --> html(button([type(button), class('navbar-toggle'), 'data-toggle'(collapse), 'data-target'('#navbar') ], [ span(class('sr-only'), 'Toggle navigation'), span(class('icon-bar'), []), span(class('icon-bar'), []), span(class('icon-bar'), []) ])). updates(_Options) --> html([ a(id('swish-updates'), []) ]). /******************************* * BRANDING * *******************************/ %! swish_title(+Options)// is det. % % Emit the HTML header options dealing with the title and shortcut % icons. This can be hooked using swish_config:title//1. swish_title(Options) --> swish_config:title(Options), !. swish_title(_Options) --> html([ title('TRILL on SWISH -- Probabilistic Reasoner for Description Logics in Prolog'), link([ rel('shortcut icon'), href('/icons/rb_favicon.ico') ]), link([ rel('apple-touch-icon'), href('/icons/trill-touch-icon.png') ]) ]). %! swish_logos(+Options)// is det. % % Emit the navbar branding logos at the top-left. Can be hooked % using swish_config:swish_logos//1. swish_logos(Options) --> swish_config:logo(Options), !. swish_logos(Options) --> pengine_logo(Options), swish_logo(Options). %! swish_config:logo(+Options)// is semidet. % % Hook to include the top-left logos. The default calls % pengine_logo//1 and swish_logo//1. The implementation should % emit zero or more elements. See % `config_available/branding.pl` for an example. %! pengine_logo(+Options)// is det. %! swish_logo(+Options)// is det. % % Emit an element that provides a link to Pengines and SWISH % on this server. These may be called from swish_config:logo//1 to % include the default logos. pengine_logo(_Options) --> { http_absolute_location(root(.), HREF, []) }, html(a([href(HREF), class('pengine-logo')], &(nbsp))). swish_logo(_Options) --> { http_absolute_location(swish(.), HREF, []) }, html(a([href(HREF), class('swish-logo')], &(nbsp))). /******************************* * CONTENT * *******************************/ %% swish_content(+Options)// % % Generate the SWISH editor, Prolog output area and query editor. % Options processed: % % - source(HREF) % Load initial source from HREF % - chat_count(Count) % Indicate the presense of Count chat messages swish_content(Options) --> { document_type(Type, Options) }, swish_resources, swish_config_hash(Options), swish_options(Options), html(div([id(content), class([container, 'tile-top'])], [ div([class([tile, horizontal]), 'data-split'('50%')], [ div([ class([editors, tabbed]) ], [ \source(Type, Options), \notebooks(Type, Options) ]), div([class([tile, vertical]), 'data-split'('70%')], [ div(class('prolog-runners'), []), div(class('prolog-query'), \query(Options)) ]) ]), \background(Options), \examples(Options) ])). %% swish_config_hash(+Options)// % % Set `window.swish.config_hash` to a hash that represents the % current configuration. This is used by config.js to cache the % configuration in the browser's local store. swish_config_hash(Options) --> { swish_config_hash(Hash, Options) }, js_script({|javascript(Hash)|| window.swish = window.swish||{}; window.swish.config_hash = Hash; |}). %! swish_options(+Options)// % % Emit additional options. This is similar to config, but the % config object is big and stable for a particular SWISH server. % The options are set per session. swish_options(Options) --> js_script({|javascript|| window.swish = window.swish||{}; window.swish.option = window.swish.option||{}; |}), swish_options([show_beware, preserve_state], Options). swish_options([], _) --> []. swish_options([H|T], Options) --> swish_option(H, Options), swish_options(T, Options). swish_option(Name, Options) --> { Opt =.. [Name,Val], option(Opt, Options), JSVal = @(Val) }, !, js_script({|javascript(Name, JSVal)|| window.swish.option[Name] = JSVal; |}). swish_option(_, _) --> []. %% source(+Type, +Options)// % % Associate the source with the SWISH page. The source itself is % stored in the textarea from which CodeMirror is created. % Options: % % - code(+String) % Initial code of the source editor % - file(+File) % If present and code(String) is present, also associate the % editor with the given file. See storage.pl. % - url(+URL) % as file(File), but used if the data is loaded from an % alias/file path. % - title(+Title) % Defines the title used for the tab. source(pl, Options) --> { ( option(code(Spec), Options) ; option(download(browser), Options) ), !, download_source(Spec, Source, Options), phrase(source_data_attrs(Options), Extra), option(label(Label), Options, 'Program') }, html(div([ class(['prolog-editor']), 'data-label'(Label) ], [ textarea([ class([source,prolog]), style('display:none') | Extra ], Source) ])). source(_, _) --> []. source_data_attrs(Options) --> (source_file_data(Options) -> [] ; []), (source_url_data(Options) -> [] ; []), (source_download_data(Options) -> [] ; []), (source_title_data(Options) -> [] ; []), (source_meta_data(Options) -> [] ; []), (source_st_type_data(Options) -> [] ; []), (source_chat_data(Options) -> [] ; []). source_file_data(Options) --> { option(file(File), Options) }, ['data-file'(File)]. source_url_data(Options) --> { option(url(URL), Options) }, ['data-url'(URL)]. source_download_data(Options) --> { option(download(Who), Options) }, ['data-download'(Who)]. source_title_data(Options) --> { option(title(File), Options) }, ['data-title'(File)]. source_st_type_data(Options) --> { option(st_type(Type), Options) }, ['data-st_type'(Type)]. source_meta_data(Options) --> { option(meta(Meta), Options), !, atom_json_dict(Text, Meta, []) }, ['data-meta'(Text)]. source_chat_data(Options) --> { option(chat_count(Count), Options), atom_json_term(JSON, _{count:Count}, [as(string)]) }, ['data-chats'(JSON)]. %% background(+Options)// % % Associate the background program (if any). The background % program is not displayed in the editor, but is sent to the % pengine for execution. background(Options) --> { option(background(Spec), Options), !, download_source(Spec, Source, Options) }, html(textarea([ class([source,prolog,background]), style('display:none') ], Source)). background(_) --> []. examples(Options) --> { option(examples(Examples), Options), ! }, html(textarea([ class([examples,prolog]), style('display:none') ], Examples)). examples(_) --> []. query(Options) --> { option(q(Query), Options) }, !, html(textarea([ class([query,prolog]), style('display:none') ], Query)). query(_) --> []. %% notebooks(+Type, +Options)// % % We have opened a notebook. Embed the notebook data in the % left-pane tab area. notebooks(swinb, Options) --> { option(code(Spec), Options), download_source(Spec, NoteBookText, Options), phrase(source_data_attrs(Options), Extra) }, html(div([ class('notebook'), 'data-label'('Notebook') % Use file? ], [ pre([ class('notebook-data'), style('display:none') | Extra ], NoteBookText) ])). notebooks(_, _) --> []. %% download_source(+HREF, -Source, +Options) is det. % % Download source from a URL. Options processed: % % - timeout(+Seconds) % Max time to wait for reading the source. Default % is 10 seconds. % - max_length(+Chars) % Maximum lenght of the content. Default is 1 million. % - encoding(+Encoding) % Encoding used to interpret the text. Default is UTF-8. % % @bug: Should try to interpret the encoding from the HTTP % header. download_source(_HREF, Source, Options) :- option(download(browser), Options), !, Source = "". download_source(HREF, Source, Options) :- uri_is_global(HREF), !, download_href(HREF, Source, Options). download_source(Source0, Source, Options) :- option(max_length(MaxLen), Options, 1_000_000), string_length(Source0, Len), ( Len =< MaxLen -> Source = Source0 ; format(string(Source), '% ERROR: Content too long (max ~D)~n', [MaxLen]) ). download_href(HREF, Source, Options) :- option(timeout(TMO), Options, 10), option(max_length(MaxLen), Options, 1_000_000), catch(call_with_time_limit( TMO, setup_call_cleanup( http_open(HREF, In, [ cert_verify_hook(cert_accept_any) ]), read_source(In, MaxLen, Source, Options), close(In))), E, load_error(E, Source)). read_source(In, MaxLen, Source, Options) :- option(encoding(Enc), Options, utf8), set_stream(In, encoding(Enc)), ReadMax is MaxLen + 1, read_string(In, ReadMax, Source0), string_length(Source0, Len), ( Len =< MaxLen -> Source = Source0 ; format(string(Source), ' % ERROR: Content too long (max ~D)~n', [MaxLen]) ). load_error(E, Source) :- message_to_string(E, String), format(string(Source), '% ERROR: ~s~n', [String]). %% document_type(-Type, +Options) is det. % % Determine the type of document. % % @arg Type is one of `swinb` or `pl` document_type(Type, Options) :- ( option(type(Type0), Options) -> Type = Type0 ; option(meta(Meta), Options), file_name_extension(_, Type0, Meta.name), Type0 \== '' -> Type = Type0 ; option(st_type(external), Options), option(url(URL), Options), file_name_extension(_, Ext, URL), ext_type(Ext, Type) -> true ; Type = pl ). ext_type(swinb, swinb). /******************************* * RESOURCES * *******************************/ %% swish_resources// % % Include SWISH CSS and JavaScript. This does not use % html_require//1 because we need to include the JS using % RequireJS, which requires a non-standard script element. swish_resources --> swish_css, swish_js. swish_js --> html_post(head, \include_swish_js). swish_css --> html_post(head, \include_swish_css). include_swish_js --> html(script([],[ '(function(i,s,o,g,r,a,m){i[''GoogleAnalyticsObject'']=r;i[r]=i[r]||function(){ (i[r].q=i[r].q||[]).push(arguments)},i[r].l=1*new Date();a=s.createElement(o), m=s.getElementsByTagName(o)[0];a.async=1;a.src=g;m.parentNode.insertBefore(a,m) })(window,document,''script'',''//www.google-analytics.com/analytics.js'',''ga''); ga(''create'', ''UA-16202613-11'', ''auto''); ga(''send'', ''pageview'');'])), html(\[' ']), { swish_resource(js, JS), swish_resource(rjs, RJS), http_absolute_location(swish(js/JS), SwishJS, []), http_absolute_location(swish(RJS), SwishRJS, []) }, rjs_timeout(JS), html(script([ src(SwishRJS), 'data-main'(SwishJS) ], [])). rjs_timeout('swish-min') --> !, js_script({|javascript|| // Override RequireJS timeout, until main file is loaded. window.require = { waitSeconds: 0 }; |}). rjs_timeout(_) --> []. include_swish_css --> { swish_resource(css, CSS), http_absolute_location(swish(css/CSS), SwishCSS, []) }, html(link([ rel(stylesheet), href(SwishCSS) ])). swish_resource(Type, ID) :- alt(Type, ID, File), ( File == (-) ; absolute_file_name(File, _P, [file_errors(fail), access(read)]) ), !. alt(js, 'swish-min', swish_web('js/swish-min.js')) :- \+ debugging(nominified). alt(js, 'swish', swish_web('js/swish.js')). alt(css, 'swish-min.css', swish_web('css/swish-min.css')) :- \+ debugging(nominified). alt(css, 'swish.css', swish_web('css/swish.css')). alt(rjs, 'js/require.js', swish_web('js/require.js')) :- \+ debugging(nominified). alt(rjs, 'node_modules/requirejs/require.js', -). /******************************* * REST * *******************************/ %% swish_rest_reply(+Method, +Request, +Options) is det. % % Handle non-GET requests. Such requests may be used to modify % source code. swish_rest_reply(put, Request, Options) :- merge_options(Options, [alias(_)], Options1), source_file(Request, File, Options1), !, option(content_type(String), Request), http_parse_header_value(content_type, String, Type), read_data(Type, Request, Data, Meta), authorized(file(update(File,Meta)), Options1), setup_call_cleanup( open(File, write, Out, [encoding(utf8)]), format(Out, '~s', [Data]), close(Out)), reply_json_dict(true). read_data(media(Type,_), Request, Data, Meta) :- http_json:json_type(Type), !, http_read_json_dict(Request, Dict), del_dict(data, Dict, Data, Meta). read_data(media(text/_,_), Request, Data, _{}) :- http_read_data(Request, Data, [ to(string), input_encoding(utf8) ]).