/* Part of SWISH Author: Jan Wielemaker E-mail: J.Wielemaker@cs.vu.nl WWW: http://www.swi-prolog.org Copyright (C): 2017-2020, VU University Amsterdam CWI Amsterdam SWI-Prolog Solutions b.v. All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. */ :- module(chat_store, [ chat_store/1, % +Message chat_messages/3 % +DocID, -Messages, +Options ]). :- use_module(library(settings)). :- use_module(library(filesex)). :- use_module(library(option)). :- use_module(library(sha)). :- use_module(library(apply)). :- use_module(library(http/http_dispatch)). :- use_module(library(http/http_parameters)). :- use_module(library(http/http_json)). :- use_module(config). :- http_handler(swish(chat/messages), chat_messages, [ id(chat_messages) ]). :- http_handler(swish(chat/status), chat_status, [ id(chat_status) ]). :- setting(directory, callable, data(chat), 'The directory for storing chat messages.'). /** Store chat messages When using redis, the messages for a document are stored in the key below as a _sorted set_ where the score is the time in ms and the value is a Prolog dict holding the message. Prefix:chat:docid:DocId */ :- multifile swish_config:chat_count_about/2. % +DocID, -Count :- listen(http(pre_server_start), open_chatstore). %! redis_docid_key(+DocID, -Server, -Key) is semidet. redis_docid_key(DocId, Server, Key) :- swish_config(redis, Server), swish_config(redis_prefix, Prefix), atomic_list_concat([Prefix, chat, docid, DocId], :, Key). uses_redis :- swish_config(redis, _). :- dynamic storage_dir/1. :- volatile storage_dir/1. open_chatstore :- uses_redis, !. open_chatstore :- storage_dir(_), !. open_chatstore :- with_mutex(chat_store, open_chatstore_guarded). open_chatstore_guarded :- storage_dir(_), !. open_chatstore_guarded :- setting(directory, Spec), absolute_file_name(Spec, Dir, [ file_type(directory), access(write), file_errors(fail) ]), !, asserta(storage_dir(Dir)). open_chatstore_guarded :- setting(directory, Spec), absolute_file_name(Spec, Dir, [ solutions(all) ]), \+ exists_directory(Dir), catch(make_directory(Dir), error(permission_error(create, directory, Dir), _), fail), !, asserta(storage_dir(Dir)). %! chat_dir_file(+DocID, -Path, -File) % % True when Path/File is the place to store char messages about DocID. chat_dir_file(DocID, Path, File) :- open_chatstore, sha_hash(DocID, Bin, []), hash_atom(Bin, Hash), sub_atom(Hash, 0, 2, _, D1), sub_atom(Hash, 2, 2, _, D2), sub_atom(Hash, 4, _, 0, Name), storage_dir(Dir), atomic_list_concat([Dir, D1, D2], /, Path), atomic_list_concat([Path, Name], /, File). %! existing_chat_file(+DocID, -File) is semidet. % % True when File is the path of the file holding chat messages from % DocID. existing_chat_file(DocID, File) :- chat_dir_file(DocID, _, File), exists_file(File). %! chat_store(+Message:dict) is det. % % Add a chat message to the chat store. If `Message.create == false`, % the message is only stored if the chat is already active. This is % used to only insert messages about changes to the file if there is % an ongoing chat so we know to which version chat messages refer. chat_store(Message0) :- uses_redis, !, ( prepare_message(Message0, DocID, Create, Message), redis_docid_key(DocID, Server, Key), ( Create == false -> redis(Server, exists(Key), 1) ; true ) -> Score is integer(Message.time*1000), redis(Server, zadd(Key, nx, Score, Message as prolog)) ; true ). chat_store(Message0) :- prepare_message(Message0, DocID, Create, Message), chat_dir_file(DocID, Dir, File), ( Create == false -> exists_file(File) ; true ), !, make_directory_path(Dir), with_mutex(chat_store, ( setup_call_cleanup( open(File, append, Out, [encoding(utf8)]), format(Out, '~q.~n', [Message]), close(Out)), increment_message_count(DocID) )). chat_store(_). prepare_message(Message0, DocID, Create, Message) :- chat{docid:DocIDS} :< Message0, atom_string(DocID, DocIDS), ( del_dict(create, Message0, false, Message1) -> Create = false ; Create = true, Message1 = Message0 ), strip_chat(Message1, Message). %! strip_chat(_Message0, -Message) is det. % % Remove stuff from a chat message that is useless to store % permanently, such as the wsid (WebSocket id). strip_chat(Message0, Message) :- strip_chat_user(Message0.get(user), User), !, Message = Message0.put(user, User). strip_chat(Message, Message). strip_chat_user(User0, User) :- del_dict(wsid, User0, _, User), !. strip_chat_user(User, User). %! chat_messages(+DocID, -Messages:list, +Options) is det. % % Get messages associated with DocID. Options include % % - max(+Max) % Maximum number of messages to retrieve. Default is 25. % - after(+TimeStamp) % Only get messages after TimeStamp chat_messages(DocID, Messages, Options) :- redis_docid_key(DocID, Server, Key), !, ( option(max(Max), Options) -> Start is -Max, redis(Server, zrange(Key, Start, -1), Messages0), filter_old(Messages0, Messages, Options) ; option(after(Time), Options) -> Score is integer(Time*1000)+1, redis(Server, zrangebyscore(Key, Score, +inf), Messages) ; redis(Server, zrange(Key, 0, -1), Messages) ). chat_messages(DocID, Messages, Options) :- chat_messages_from_files(DocID, Messages, Options). chat_messages_from_files(DocID, Messages, Options) :- ( existing_chat_file(DocID, File) -> read_messages(File, Messages0, Options), filter_old(Messages0, Messages, Options) ; Messages = [] ). read_messages(File, Messages, Options) :- setup_call_cleanup( open(File, read, In, [encoding(utf8)]), read_messages_from_stream(In, Messages, Options), close(In)). read_messages_from_stream(In, Messages, Options) :- option(max(Max), Options, 25), integer(Max), setup_call_cleanup( set_stream(In, encoding(octet)), ( seek(In, 0, eof, _Pos), backskip_lines(In, Max) ), set_stream(In, encoding(utf8))), !, read_terms(In, Messages). read_messages_from_stream(In, Messages, _Options) :- seek(In, 0, bof, _NewPos), read_terms(In, Messages). read_terms(In, Terms) :- read_term(In, H, []), ( H == end_of_file -> Terms = [] ; Terms = [H|T], read_terms(In, T) ). backskip_lines(Stream, Lines) :- byte_count(Stream, Here), between(10, 20, X), Start is max(0, Here-(1<= To -> Starts = [] ; Starts = [Here|T], skip(Stream, 0'\n), line_starts(Stream, To, T) ). filter_old(Messages0, Messages, Options) :- option(after(After), Options), After > 0, !, include(after(After), Messages0, Messages). filter_old(Messages, Messages, _). after(After, Message) :- is_dict(Message), Message.get(time) > After. %! chat_message_count(+DocID, -Count) is det. % % Count the number of message stored for DocID. This is the same as % the number of lines. :- dynamic message_count/2. :- volatile message_count/2. chat_message_count(DocID, Count) :- redis_docid_key(DocID, Server, Key), !, redis(Server, zcount(Key, 0, +inf), Count). chat_message_count(DocID, Count) :- message_count(DocID, Count), !. chat_message_count(DocID, Count) :- count_messages(DocID, Count), asserta(message_count(DocID, Count)). count_messages(DocID, Count) :- ( existing_chat_file(DocID, File) -> setup_call_cleanup( open(File, read, In, [encoding(iso_latin_1)]), ( skip(In, 256), line_count(In, Line) ), close(In)), Count is Line - 1 ; Count = 0 ). increment_message_count(DocID) :- clause(message_count(DocID, Count0), _, CRef), !, Count is Count0+1, asserta(message_count(DocID, Count)), erase(CRef). increment_message_count(_). %! swish_config:chat_count_about(+DocID, -Count) % % True when Count is the number of messages about DocID swish_config:chat_count_about(DocID, Count) :- chat_message_count(DocID, Count). /******************************* * HTTP * *******************************/ %! chat_messages(+Request) % % HTTP handler that returns chat messages for a document chat_messages(Request) :- http_parameters(Request, [ docid(DocID, []), max(Max, [nonneg, optional(true)]), after(After, [number, optional(true)]) ]), include(ground, [max(Max), after(After)], Options), chat_messages(DocID, Messages, Options), reply_json_dict(Messages). %! chat_status(+Request) % % HTTP handler that returns chat status for document chat_status(Request) :- http_parameters(Request, [ docid(DocID, []), max(Max, [nonneg, optional(true)]), after(After, [number, optional(true)]) ]), include(ground, [max(Max), after(After)], Options), chat_message_count(DocID, Total), ( Options == [] -> Count = Total ; chat_messages(DocID, Messages, Options), length(Messages, Count) ), reply_json_dict( json{docid: DocID, total: Total, count: Count }).